by Timothy G. Branfalt Sr.
Published on: Apr 7, 2009
Type: Poetry

Alas, days pass.
Our will, distraught.
Conquest is no more. There is no more score.
No dependence, with no forgiveness.
To what has been done to bring upon tears. But yet they will stop, in just a few short years.

The most intelligent of beings, of soul and might
has turned the world short of it's sight.
It has no more time to again begin,
Unless the deep of our souls spread life within
another dwelling, another spirit, another side.
A place in which the truly graciously good will ride.
Abide by no one, but from their own pure thought,
for there are no more pretences or means to be fought.

Keep in mind as you pass by each soul on your way
Keep mind of each heart that you touch with what you say.
Speak no more a lie, or threaten in vain,
for you have already sunk paradise deep into its pain.

When you arise with hope, and kindness to share
and only the best of the finest souls will be there.
You will find they're the ones you have known all along
that decided to stand with you and sing forth with song.

We have all taken our arms, our prejudice on crosses.
We have pleaded with human trash of which we've known as bosses.
We collide with the product of this leftover waste,
and in less than 10,000 years did this all in our haste.
To destroy mankind, first by taking our souls,
to destroy all the love that we buried in holes.
We killed without mercy, as we were told to,
but did not have to listen to those words sold out to.

Late be us now, as we reach for the end.
The backstretch, last turn, with no way to rescind
No way to make up for the errors of greed,
too late to find out this worth was of no need.

Take your last breath, deep, when you pass by
Stop and just a moment of thought, and only to cry
That this whole life was in vengeance and in hate and in sin
Do you think that He will want another like this to start again.
So take that last breath and remember all thoughts.
For That is all you can purchase is in that last Final thought.

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