Published on: Jan 6, 2009
Type: Opinions

Congratulation and Compliment of the season to you all my fellow advocate all around the world. I am glad and excited and I know you are too, for seeing another new year which God has spare our lives to see. we give God the glory.

But before I enumerate on the subject matter for this month another Year Another Opportunity. I will like to you to see the reactions and feedback I got from fellow advocate who took their time to read the articles I sent and have made their submissions, commendations and suggestions which I appreciate a lot.

Re: “Standing For Right”
Christy Essien
Mr Adeola Samuel, May the good Lord bless you for your good work, may He rewards you and give the strength to forch ahead in Jesus' Mighty name - Amen. I would have loved to attend that programme but trying to put some finishing touches to a project at hand, any time the programme comes up again, do let me know. Keep it up. NB: Pls. I will like to be reading from you often. Christy

Re: “We need more men”
Thanks i really do enjoy your write up, how are you today, I am Ogaga Maxwell a young man 24 who is very interested in youth development, I just started a youth organisation in Warri called Dare 2 Dream Youth Organisation, we are into leadership development and raising youths as agent of change.
OGAGA E. MAXWELL Value Based Leadership Development

Re: Africa O.Africa Arise, By Adeola Ogunlade
Nice to know that young people like you and I are making a difference in our society. Complaining and whining will take us nowhere, but doing something great in our own little way can add up to light up our world. Cheers!
Ajose kehinde Career coach/ motivational speaker

I really commend u for ur effort. I was struck by a passage in ur mail that more talk and less talk. You are exactly right. This is our problem. Promise to join and work closely with u.
Am Suleiman, read Ur write up, it was a true picture of things and a honest, so well done. Am Youth Corps Member, serving in Abuja . Like to discuss more with U. My details 07038218140 Thank U. Expecting to hear from U. Bye
I share your concerns and value your suggestions.
Pat Utomi

Re: Before our youth all become militant

Hallo, thanks really a very nice piece. I don’t know if we have met, but um... I think I connect with you on this. I keep pondering on how the issue of the Niger Delta could be addressed and if there actions can actually be justified. Well, I and some YPs are working on a magazine publication, don’t know if you have heard about BOLD initiative. I thought we could publish your piece, as partners in progress. It’s thought provoking and of course we will give you your credits. Keep up the good work.

Very deep piece... Thanks 4 sharing!
Jennifer Ehidiamen

Re: Call to the Rescue

Dear Adeola, Thanks for this piece. It is indeed a reminder that there is so much ground to cover to lift Africa from its ashes. I thank God you are taking a stand by using the resources within your capacity to fight these ugly issues on our continent. Be assured of my standing too as we must do our own part and leave behind us a footprint in the sand of time. Regards,
Adeola Akinremi

To you all, I say thanks a million.

On the said topic above New Year Another Opportunity was a thought provoking words that took my thought days before the new year..
Opportunity to:

Serve the table the more

Rescue men from sin, ignorance and wickedness

Put my live on the line to save humanity from the many vices plaguing her.

Show more love and care especially to those in need.

Congratulations and Compliments of the season to you all my fellow advocate all around the world. I am glad and excited and I know you are too, for seeing another new year which God has spare our lives to see. We give God the glory.

But before I enumerate on the subject matter for this month another Year another Opportunity. I will like to you to see the reactions and feedback I got from fellow advocate who took their time to read the articles I sent and have made their submissions, commendations and suggestions which I appreciate a lot.

Re: “Standing For Right”
Christy Essien
Mr. Adeola Samuel, May the good Lord bless you for your good work, may He rewards you and give the strength to forge ahead in Jesus' Mighty name - Amen. I would have loved to attend that program but trying to put some finishing touches to a project at hand, any time the program comes up again, do let me know. Keep it up. NB: Pls. I will like to be reading from you often. Christy

Re: “We need more men”
Thanks I really do enjoy your write up how are you today, I am Ogaga Maxwell a young man 24 who is very interested in youth development, I just started a youth organization in Warri called Dare 2 Dream Youth Organization, we are into leadership development and raising youths as agent of change.
OGAGA E. MAXWELL Value Based Leadership Development

Re: Africa O.Africa Arise, By Adeola Ogunlade
Nice to know that young people like you and I are making a difference in our society. Complaining and whining will take us nowhere, but doing something great in our own little way can add up to light up our world. Cheers!
Ajose kehinde Career coach/ motivational speaker

I really commend u for ur effort. I was struck by a passage in ur mail that more talk and less talk. You are exactly right. This is our problem. Promise to join and work closely with u.
Am Suleiman, read Ur write up, it was a true picture of things and an honest, so well done. Am Youth Corps Member, serving in Abuja. Like to discuss more with U. My details 07038218140 Thank U. Expecting to hear from U. Bye
I share your concerns and value your suggestions.
Pat Utomi

Re: Before our youth all become militant

Hallo, thanks really a very nice piece. I don’t know if we have met, but um... I think I connect with you on this. I keep pondering on how the issue of the Niger Delta could be addressed and if their actions can actually be justified. Well, I and some YPs are working on a magazine publication; don’t know if you have heard about BOLD initiative. I thought we could publish your piece, as partners in progress. It’s thought provoking and of course we will give you your credits. Keep up the good work.

Very deep piece... Thanks 4 sharing!
Jennifer Ehidiamen

Re: Call to the Rescue

Dear Adeola, Thanks for this piece. It is indeed a reminder that there is so much ground to cover to lift Africa from its ashes. I thank God you are taking a stand by using the resources within your capacity to fight these ugly issues on our continent. Be assured of my standing too as we must do our own part and leave behind us a footprint in the sand of time. Regards,
Adeola Akinremi

To you all, I say thanks a million.

On the said topic above New Year another Opportunity was a thought provoking words that took my thought days before the New Year...
Opportunity to:

Serve the table the more

Rescue men from sin, ignorance and wickedness

Put my live on the line to save humanity from the many vices plaguing her.

Show more love and care especially to those in need.

This I remunerate upon because we are not better than those who died for whatever reason know to God in the last year, many of them had dreams unrealized, vision unaccomplished, desires that never came alive among others.

Just like my friend Abayomi "Wyse" said recently at the Top 100 Our Generation Nigeria Youth Leadership Programme by asking some question such as:

“If you were told that you have only 6 month to live in the year 2009, what will you do and what we be our priority for the New Year”...

“If we die today and God brought us back to live for a particular reason, how do we spend the year 2009 or even the rest of our lives”?

“If we were given #10 million today, how do we spent it when we hear of famine, devastation, war, ill public health system, illiteracy level scoring high all around Africa) how do we spent it and posterity will bless us” .

I had “if today you were told of a close friend of yours was jailed for a sin he did not commit, how we will you feel and what will you spend the rest of 2009 doing. For me, these questions are mind blowing and a food for thought”.

However, I know for some of us we might have had in the outgoing year:

Dreams unrealized

Goals we never met

Visions unaccomplished

Mistakes made

I believe the past is gone, let us face the new year with heart and mind to explode with our time, talents expertise, the great opportunities ahead of us.

I believe like Obama in spite of the challenges ahead of us in the New Year, YES WE CAN

Adeola Ogunlade
Youth Advocate for Change

About me
I am Adeola Ogunlade, a Journalist, social activist and commentator, mentor, volunteer, coach and a voice for the voice less youth in our society. I am committed towards the emancipation of Nigeria youth in which I have dedicated my time and talents in my report in one of the leading National dailies in Nigeria, The Nation Newspapers with a focus on Youth Development in Nigeria. I equally founded a Community Youth Development initiative called Youth Advocate for Change (YAFC) in Akute, Ifo Local Government, Ogun State, South West Nigeria in 2006 with the vision to educate young minds at the community level with the right value and equally help harness their skills productively and profitably for themselves and the nation at large.

This I remunerate upon because we are not better than those who died for whatever reason know to God in the last year, many of them had dreams unrealized, vision unaccomplished, desires that never came alive among others.

Just like my friend Abayomi "Wyse" said recently at the Top 100 Our Generneration Nigeria Youth Leadership Programme by asking some question such as:

“If you were told that you have only 6 month to live in the year 2009, what will you do and what we be our priority for the new year”..

“If we die today and God brought us back to live for a particular reason, how do we spent the year 2009 or even the rest of our lives”.

“If we were given #10 million today, how do we spent it when we hear of famine, devastation, war, ill public health system, illiteracy level scoring high all around Africa) how do we spent it and posterity will bless us” .

I had “if today you were told of a close friend of yours was jailed for a sin he did not commit, how we will you feel and what will you spent the rest of 2009 doing. For me, these questions are mind blowing and a food for thought”.

However. I know for some of us we might have had in the outgoing year:

Dreams unrealized

Goals we never met

Visions unaccomplished

Mistakes made

I believe the past is gone, let us face the new year with heart and mind to explode with our time, talents expertise, the great opportunities ahead of us.

I believe like Obama inspite of the challenges ahead of us in the New Year, YES WE CAN.

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