Empty The Shelters, is an Atlanta-based youth organization that focuses on social and economic justice work. Each summer ETS holds its flagship program, the Summer of Social Action. The SSA is an intensive 8-week program for young people from around the country interested in learning advanced grassroots organizing techniques and strategies. We work in partnership with local and national under privilege people led organizations, such as the Georgia Citizen's Coalition on Hunger, the Georgia Human Rights Union, and the Kensington Welfare Rights Union, on issues such as poverty, homelessness, welfare, and social oppressions.
For more information about the program or to receive an application, please contact Empty the Shelters at etsatlanta@riseup.net, or visit our website: http://etsatlanta.8m.net.
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Empty The Shelters
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sovathana ANN | Apr 25th, 2002
Good preparation. Good Article. But it is a little bit short, should explain more about SSA.
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