by Sadick Abubakar
Published on: Dec 1, 2008
Type: Opinions

Africa, our mother land, a continent that is so rich in all the necessary resources and yet still the poorest of all. The origin of the human race and yet the most backward in all aspects of development. Our resources sell so well on the global market and yet we earn nearly nothing from the transactions as per our resources marketed at the global stock exchanges. I sit back and ask myself the question we all ask, what is wrong, or otherwise, what went wrong in the making of the black race? The world has never seen any race as generous, kind and forgiving as the black race. In the midst of these attributes, we have found the greatest weakness in ourselves which all the other races have taken advantage of.
That is our folly. In today's challenging world, we still have leaders who serve their own interest at the expense of those who voted for them to have power and others waging wars to push the interest of foreign corporate entities for just pennies. They derive from these interest groups and the world sits back and watch while human lives are being shed. Look at Congo, Somalia, Rwanda, Burundi, etc.
The war in Congo would go on and the world would watch it go, and at some point we would see the red cross going in to provide humanitarian aid. But to who? The dead or the dying? Who does not what this war is all about? Let me tell you if you don't. This is a war between Nokia and Chevy. Yes! Between Nokia and Chevy and the whole of the innocent kids that have died and who are dying. Or even the young girls who are being raped, or those who would be raped and infected with STDs. These children would slide by almost unnoticed or if noticed, would only be mentioned while the perpetrators of these atrocities walk on to the next level of their forsaken lives. Our mothers, as vulnerable as the kids and youth, are also being raped and killed. And the world is watching. These are not isolated situations! These situations are happening in Somalia and other places on the continent. In Somalia, its as if the Chinese are fueling the massacre for their own gains and they go back to build the AU headquarters in Addis Ababa at their own expenditure. What is the headquarters as compared to the lives that are being lost in the wars in Somalia?
In places where there are no wars, we see potentials for it otherwise we look at the corrupt leadership existing there. We are not looking for a perfect system. It won't be there but at least we know we deserve some amount of respect for being humans. As young Africans, we are inheriting bad leadership in a complex world where it is projected that over 50% of the world resources would be concentrated on our continent very soon. Please do the mathematics yourself. Are we going to inherit wealth or would we be wiped off our continent so those who see themselves as having the God given right to wipe us off the land so they can get access to the resources? Where are we all heading for?
I want all Black youth around the world to rethink their destiny and believe that we can change the faith of our continent by putting in an effort each little by little in the right direction. Lets embrace science and technology and learn to harness our own resources. We have the capability and the resources all we need is the focus in the right direction.

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