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Will an Obama victory alter the idiosyncratic perception of the black race? Printable Version PRINTABLE VERSION
by Pedus, Australia Nov 3, 2008
Cultural Diversity , Global Citizenship , Political Thought   Opinions


Obama himself appreciates the magnitude of the challenges and opportunities ahead. After clinching the Democratic Party nomination in June, Mr. Obama not only described the moment as “defining”, he stated, “I face this challenge with profound humility, and knowledge of my own limitations, but I also face with limitless faith in the capacity of the American people”. Beyond his oratory is a man with a deep conviction that America has been steered in the wrong direction for the past eight years by the Bush administration.

Beyond the good looks is a man whose popularity and exotic life story appears to have appealed to many Americans who see him as a bridge between the past and the future. If Obama wins on November 4, 2008, as the polls suggest, African Americans and black people all over the world have cause to believe that idiosyncratic perception of the black race by white people may be altered. It would not only mark a new beginning about the way Americans see themselves but also the way the world sees America.

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Writer Profile

I was born in Nigeria and was educated in Nigeria, USA and Australia. I am the founder and president of Christina-Mae Recruitment Consortium Australia and the author of the book "When Things Go Wrong: Concepts of Change". I am also the co-founder of Child Aid Survival and Development International (CASDI). As a freelance journalist, I have contributed to a number of professional journals and newspapers, as well as worked in a number of e-journalism projects. I have traveled extensively and currently call Australia and the USA home with extensive involvement in African Human Rights issues.

There are no RACES
Eric Nicolas Schneider | Jun 11th, 2009
Races do not exist biologically with humans. With dogs, they do, since there exists a wide spectrum of genes. The variation of genes in humans is too little to speak of races. The small physical adaptations observed in humans are ot enough to speak of races. Therefore, in germany, where the race issue emerged strong enough to be seriously analysed by critical progressive science, the word RACE has not been applied to human beings for more than 50 years. If this basic science is understood around the globe, it will change a whole lot. As long as the word "race" is still in language, things will not change, since imaginary differences will keep prevailing.

p,s. on race
Eric Nicolas Schneider | Jun 11th, 2009
The OMB defines the concept of race as outlined for the US Census as not "scientific or anthropological" http://tigurl.org/jifpze ... the idea of race itself, and actual divisions of persons into races or racial groups, are social constructs. http://tigurl.org/us53in(classification_of_human_beings)

Obama changes the world; the world changes Obama
Richard Zhang | Jul 3rd, 2009
With the vicitory of American presidential campaign, Obama became the first African American president. "We change America", as he said. From that moment, "blacks are no longer judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character". It is Obama who changes people's point of view. It is Obama who breaks the stereoptyple about Blacks. It is Obama who is going to save Americans from economical and diplomatical fiasco done by Bush. It is Obama who changed, changes, and will change the world. At the same time, the world is changing Obama. The financial crisis, the Taliban, the Al Qaedi, Honduras coup d'etats...all of them are actually testing Obama...to see if he can take all of them and solve the problems.

Ben | May 21st, 2012

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