Published on: Nov 17, 2003
Type: Poetry

I am the voice crying for urgent recognition.
I am the face unseen,
The voice unheard,
The goldmine undiscovered,
The vision yet to be realized,
The potential yet to be tapped,
The dream yet lived.

I am not the rage lining
The corners of the streets.
I am not the hunger,
The anger.
I am not the disease,
The poverty
Nor the song of no liberty.
I am not the threats and
The fret.
I am not the illusion,
No, not the discord.

I am the seed with the
Potential to grow and feed
a thousand mouth.
I am the one who brings smiles
Upon the once dry faces.
I am the one with the will power
To withstand the tempo of the
Hot day and the pelting
Fangs of the cold night.
I am the invaluable emerald
That adorns the streets of civilization.
I am time never to be stopped,
A star never to quench.
I am myself. I am one.

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