by farhana siddique
Published on: Nov 11, 2003
Type: Opinions

“With a current population of 6 billion, the world is becoming a place in which human populations are more crowded, more consuming, more polluting, more connected, and in many ways less diverse than at any time in history. In the next two decades, almost 2 billion additional people are expected to populate the Earth, a number roughly equivalent to the world’s total population in 1940. It is estimated that 95% of that growth will take place in developing or under-developed countries. Such growth will create demands on an unprecedented scale for energy, food, land, water, transportation, materials, waste disposal, earth moving, health care, environmental cleanup, infrastructure, jobs, new skills, new opportunities, and security. Today, 20% of the world’s population lack clean water, 40% lack adequate sanitation, 20% lack adequate housing, 50% lack adequate energy resources, and 30% live in conflict zones, in transition, or in situations of permanent instability.”

As is crystal clear from the above quote, there would be thousands of hazards for the under-developed and developing countries in the next two decades. The root cause of all the present and upcoming perils, (e.g. shortage of food, water, energy, waste disposal, addiction, unemployment and under-employment) with poverty at the bottom-line, in such nations is and would be "Population Explosion / The Population Bomb”. I simply believe in "uprooting" this cause to achieve a sustainable and humanly living standard.

"Nothing to eat, but generate new souls to share the hunger" seems to be the cherished slogan of the inhabitants of under-developed countries. The people of such territories just need behavior change. They must be made aware of the fact that as many less number of mouths to eat, so less chances of poverty and economic instability.

Why should we wait for such a dreadful picture as drawn by the statistics, to prevail the globe? Why not check the birth - rate to prevent such scenario to occur?

This is 100% right that with the ever- increasing population, all the efforts to reach the highest step of the ladder of development, would inevitably end in smoke.

Unless and until, a genuine struggle to check the birth-rate is made, all the efforts whether subsidies in agriculture, trade promotion, foreign aid or via adopting any other strategy to combat the giant problems at present and in store for such nations, would go in vain. If we wish to save our globe from the inevitable death and destruction, sound efforts to clean up the masses' minds of the virus of creating more and hungrier souls is a must.

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