by Olanrewaju.Ademola.Ojasanya
Published on: Feb 4, 2002
Type: Opinions

This topic brings about the general environment around the country.

Lanre Ademola Ojasanya.

Dangers of Indescriminate Refuse Dump in Countries Metropolis.

A healthy man is a wealthy man. If the nation is healthy, the nation will be wealthy . A healthy man brings about a wealthy man, which brings the expression "health is wealth".

If one has good health, one will someday be wealthy .

Refuse means an unwanted product that humans consumes in which we are no more in need of. Dangers of indiscriminate refuse dump is all around the nukes and cranies of some countries, some of the dangers that this could cause to our environment are:

Health Wise: This is one of the dangers of indiscriminate refuse dump in country Metropolis. Health is wealth. If one is not healthy, one can not be wealthy. When one moves around the nukes and cranies of a country, we found out that the place is filthy which effect ones health.

Epidermic Outbreak: Is one of the causes of indiscriminate refuse dump, which causes diseases in our body and if not taken care of leads to sickness in our body.

Example of these: Passing through a refuse dump center at Ojota,it effects ones health.

Blockages in our drainages: This is also one of the dangers of indiscriminate refuse dump in a Metropolis country. It disturbs the free flow of erosion of floods when it rains, there by diverting, it causes the destruction of life and property. If there is a flood when it rains, it sometimes destructs lives. For example; if there is free flow of erosion in an area and the place seems to be filthy in which we see bottles scattered all over the ground and one should fall down in it, it effects ones health. If there are other things on the ground, if not taken care, can paralize a person or bring more damage to the person's health .

Environmental Hazard: This is one of the dangers of indiscriminate refuse dump in metropolis country. It gives off an offensive odour iwhich chokes our lungs, thereby affecting ones breathing. If one can not breath very well it can lead to death. There is an offenive odour because what is on our roads. For example; when we pass through a filthy area, what we should do is to block our nostrils so as to prevent us from smelling it. The offensive odour chokes our lungs, therefore affecting our breathing. If ones breathing is not steady, ones life is worthless, which leads to death and effects the population size of the nation .

Accidents in Our Environment: This is also one of the dangers of indiscriminate refuse dump in a metropolise country. If an environment or an area is polluted or bombarded with filthy things, one seems to be affected by it and if not careful to prevent it, it may cause an accident.

It Affects The Nation: In the sense that it brings the nation down. If a nation is filthy or polluted then when ranking the nation, the nation will be ranked as a filthy country. If a Foreigner comes to a place that looks polluted, they look at it as a Low country, therefore downgrading the nation.

Low Dignity: This really affects the nation. For example, in a situation whereby a foreigner is coming to stay with you and looking at your environment, they sometimes look at you as an illetrate because of the environment. The person looks at you as a nobody .

In a situation like this the government has to help and make provide protection from the dangers of indiscriminate Refuse Dump in a Metropolise country.

This involves everyone because most people look at it as though everything is on the government(OF ANOTHER COUNTRY), but it has to do with everybody because we own the country,it's OURS. And everybody has every right to do something about it by cleaning our environment always .

Everybody has to come together to keep our environment clean because if we do not come together to do that, we will be affected and it may endanger the lives of the little ones.

Children: This is also another aim of which our environment should be kept from being polluted. The children, they need us to advise them because they do not understand until they are grown up enough. In essence, the major thing that we can do is to advice them in the right wa. Children, when we advice them will understand. But if we do not advse them, they will think it is something they should take. So I think we should advise them in a proper way in order to keep them away from diseases.

I think the government of other country should try hard and we the youths should try and put our environment in good order.


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