by Isong
Published on: Aug 22, 2008
Type: Poetry

If I must live
Then I must live
to die.
For if I bid bye to dying
then I’ll be lying and dying.
For to live truly is to die,
then at death the true life is lived.

A true life is not by
duration measured,
but by impact gathered
that alone is remembered.

This, I know,
for on a mission, I was sent
to go and grip the land
and not to sleep on sand.

So Lord, I pray
that if I must live-
not as Methuselah I ask
but though a second-

I may be an agent of change
And live in accordance
With thy purpose in me,
To give to my generation
The salt, long sought for,
and water to quench
the generational thirst.

For only by this can mortals-
while to the immortal route transcendent-
be remembered; not by years numbered
but by dry land watered.

May I for this purpose my life dedicate,
So that I to my desires may be dead
And in my death live a life.

Lord, grant me the grace in this death of mine
So that when I rise, I will be said
To have lived.

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