by Thomas Stoneman
Published on: Aug 4, 2008
Type: Opinions

Life is full of wonder...
I wonder who was the first person to look at a cow and say, I think I'll squeeze the dangly bits and drink what comes out

Life is full of surprises...
I would be surprised if someone died by choking on a life saver lollipop

Life is full of pain...
Is it offensive to say "put your hands up" to a one armed man?

Life is full of atheists...
Do they make atheists swear on the bible in court?

Life is full of discovery
Who discovered underwear???

Life should be lived to the fullest…
The oceans, mountains, blue skies, sharks, birds, buildings, roller coasters, sparkling cities and huge forests are a big part of our live life! Love life to the fullest! Life is too short to waste time.

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