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Ignorance: The Main Root of Every Evil Printable Version PRINTABLE VERSION
by Mohammad Ziaul Ahsan, Bangladesh Oct 25, 2003
Technology   Opinions


Ignorance:  The Main Root of Every Evil Ignorance is the actual virus and knowledge is the power and vaccine. Knowledge, when informed and transmitted, becomes the power. It is a power for individuals, family, society and at large for the nation. He who knows is the most suitable to receive results first. Information about new knowledge in the quickest possible method is the vital call of the time and it can spread through several media like, radio, television, newspapers, print materials, flyers, billboards, songs, music, drama, movies, etc.

In the developed age, the conventional media of information like print materials are not adequate to bring the information for all of every where. But it has its own merit. Print materials are basic documents which can be transmitted through the bearers, an individual, and a group as the case may be. What is amazing with the print material is that even a layman can have information benefit from a print material at his hand, if he can read. In areas where the majority of people are illiterate,the population can be benefited through this person to person media.

Now the world has overcome the distance between persons in the information channel. The gap is now smaller than ever. In spite of that, we still have to mobilize that everywhere, people can be heard and informed as well, without any exceptions.

The pandemic of HIV/AIDS/STDs all over the world is the tragedy of ignorance of individuals. If anyone anywhere in the world lacks the information about safety and prevention of HIV/AIDS/STDs, he or she will become easy prey to it and thus the spread of HIV/AIDS/STDs cannot be stopped. So it is vital for the advocates to make people all over the world informed of the prevention practices for HIV/AIDS/STDs.

The information gap should be overcome through use of all tools available like print materials, hand in hand delivery of messages through social groups from the community, radio, television, all television agencies, newspapers, weekly workshops, road side discussion, flyers, meetings in the community, discussion with the targeted people and constant floating of news in emails and websites.

What is now necessary is the rapid speed in the transmission of information packages among the people. The information of accurate, appropriate, useful, and beneficial knowledge is essential for the well-being of the people. The ultimate objective of informing is human welfare, and that shall be done for all of everywhere in the quickest possible time, through the available means.
If the accurate, appropriate, and useful information on prevention of HIV/AIDS/STD could have been transmitted to all of everywhere in the quickest possible time to spread consciousness of safety measures, the pandemic could have been much averted.

In many places of the world, the information gap on prevention of the pandemic could not be overcome in spite of all these attempts - due to many other factors like: mismanagement and poor administration, absence of good governance, loopholes in the methodology of execution with absence of sincerity and undefiled love for the people.

Keeping view of the dynamism in the operation of message giving, the emailing, website browsing, shall now be undertaken in the areas where all these can be available and where the conventional media of tools shall be absolutely utilized in the most efficientmanner.

If we can usefully and effectively transfer knowledge so that it becomes owned by all, we will be able to prove that we are not helpless against any odds or ills that can cripple civilization.



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Mohammad Ziaul Ahsan

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the complexity of information dissermination...
Elkanemi | Nov 14th, 2003
the complexty of information dissermination and the over whelming low educaton status of people f the developng world presents a nerous task in creating awareness of such diseases like HIV/AIDS... many a time, information s given out but the peple having being so set in,in cultural behavioural patterns are in doubt f the truth surrounding the information so delivered.many questin the authenticty of reports on these health related issues. even the so called educated fall prey to this eronious and negative attitude to information. have severally heard people cmment that AIDS is only for a partcular kind of persons and that they are immuned to its threat. this mind set restricts the tendency to learn and apply measures against vices. so the task therefore does not merely lie n disserminatng information but includes the need to prevail in changing attitudes,cultural mentality and mental affliations of people. this move wll definitely procure a change and ignite the right response towards information that is being received.

the complexity of information dissermination...
Elkanemi | Nov 14th, 2003
the complexity of information dissermination and the over whelming low educaton status of people of the developng world presents a onerous task in creating awareness of such diseases like HIV/AIDS... many a time, information is given out but the people having being so set in,in cultural behavioural patterns are in doubt of the truth surrounding the information so delivered.many question the authenticity of reports on these health related issues. even the so called educated fall prey to this erronious and negative attitude to information. i have severally heard people comment that AIDS is only for a particular kind of persons and that they are immuned to its threat. this mind set restricts the tendency to learn and apply measures against vices. so the task therefore does not merely lie in disserminating information but includes the need to prevail in changing attitudes,cultural mentality and mental affiliations of people. this move will definitely procure a change and ignite the right response towards information that is being received.

Donna | Nov 25th, 2004
totally agree with ya mate

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