by Don'tBeAShreya
Published on: Oct 17, 2003
Type: Poetry

This picture represents the youth of today. Society as we know it is not the safe haven where we can run to for safety and security anymore. It seems as though media has a greater effect on society then what most youth believe. The media isn't what I believe is the primary foundation to the downfall of modern youth. The problems of youth are youth itself. Peer pressures make life seem like a struggle and a challenge, the right decision from the wrong, used to be an easy decision, but not so much anymore. It seems as though youth are the main pressures pushing other youths toward harm. The problem is that youth can’t always turn to their loved ones and those they trust for advice. People aren't as sharing as they used to be. Your best friend one day can be your worst friend the next. The truth within the world has faded and implicated youth greatly, for the worse.

Because of things like media, youth are getting wrong opinions of certain things. Words like mature, mean adult. Adult means acting adult. Therefore, it's easy to get confused and be confused as to if sex is mature or abstinence is preferred. As a youth, I find it contradicting that the whole world expects youth to be mature about situations and act adult, when on TV all you see is confrontational conflictions with adults occuring world wide. People having affairs, people who are rich making it through life in lives of crime, just because they are celebrities. These images gives me different ideas as to what is mature, and what isn’t. This is why I wrote this poem on maturity, because, if this is mature and the future of youths. There needs to be someone to say just be a kid and don't grow up. Innocence isn't so bad after all...
Innocent Glaze
Too innocent for love
too innocent for life
too innocent to know what is wrong or what is right
Someday will come when the innocence has fleet
The inner voice will come out from beneath
Maturity shall rise and all innocence will leave
As the time passes the innocence will bleed
slowly painful changing to something obscene
If only that innocence could stay and remain within me
But it has departed and what is done is done
the days will lament and the sun will shine on
the devils has arrived but is it right or wrong
Is this new me the me I want to be is it wrong to want to be the not so innocent me
The blood drips from within waiting to be free
Maturity has won and all is lost it seems
The blood leaks from within till all is drained and cleaned
But deep within the twisted soul lies innocence and dreams...

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