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Youth in the new Nigeria Printable Version PRINTABLE VERSION
by mojie ephraim, Nigeria Jun 18, 2008
Culture , Informal/Experiential Learning   Opinions
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It is of utmost importance that the attention of the youth be called to this topic, because it is a determining factor as to whether they will last at the top when they get there. It is very essential to call their attention to this issue now, since we know that Nigeria is already on the fast track. Considering the fact that youth are key players in the New Nigeria, there is a need for us all to realize what to do and what not to do at every given point in time.

I believe our attitude is a determining factor as to whether or not we will be relevant in the New Nigeria. Listed below are a few areas I believe, if worked upon well by every youth, will bring forth meaningful progress:

: It should be intimated to Nigerian youth that there is a need to learn how to relate with people in the New Nigeria, because the New Nigeria will be about the people that are being led and not about those leading. There will be contact with different people from all walks of life, not just the high and mighty. So there is a need to know how to relate to people at their different levels. I foresee a situation in the New Nigeria where there will be a lot of demand for the relevant youths, those that have taken time to prepare themselves well for the New Nigeria. We need to learn how to handle these pressures and demands when it matters most.

How can we handle crisis situations? Do we, as young people, have large hearts for the tasks ahead? It is essential for us to develop the ability to listen. We must be able and willing to listen to everybody, and must also be able to filter out the information we receive and make use of the right information. Our ability to be able to listen to everyone and also relate perfectly with them is what will make us good leaders. This skill will be needed in the New Nigeria.

To be relevant in our New Nigeria, I believe, we need to know something about Character Management. I have come to discover over the years that, we most often mistake ‘reputation’ for ‘character’. ‘Reputation’ by my own definition is what people know us to be, what we have been able to convince people over the years or over time that we are. ‘Character’ is what we are, when no one is watching us or paying attention to us. Character is really what a man is made up of on the inside.

It has always been said by people that have gone before us that your talent, skills, and intellectual ability will take you to the top, but they are not what will keep you up there. It is your Character that will keep you at the top. Character Management is very important in our lives, because it will either make or maim us. Whatever we have as our attitude or Character today can hinder our greatness later in life. It should be carefully dealt with, because we don’t have much time on our side any more. As youth, there are things we get ourselves involved in that can work against us in the New Nigeria. There are habits we have that we must stop as a matter of urgency if we want to be relevant in the New Nigeria.

Cult activities are something major we must contend with if we really want to make headway in the New Nigeria. Young people should know that there is no power other than from God. We have been made to believe that if we join this group or that group we will have power and influence. But this is a lie from the pits of hell. It is simply a strategy by the Devil to steal the future from us. I don’t have to join any cult group in order to live a good life and to have power and authority. These lies have been believed because we don’t know the Ability of our Creator. From now on it shall not be so. God made us in his image and gave us Dominion over all things; so I don’t need any other power or Dominion from any other place. That is a fact.

Moral Stability/ Management: There is another key factor that has worked against young people over the years and that is our Moral Life. In this day and hour, we can’t afford to just misbehave. A lot is expected of us, the young people, and we can’t just let people down at this point in time. Yes, I know its not easy to keep one’s sanity in the world we are in today, but I have always been an advocate of Determination and Discipline. With these two in place, I believe there is no limit to what we can achieve concerning our moral lives.

It is not that easy, will be the response of someone. And that I know. Whatever we don’t attempt to achieve in life, will always remain difficult to us. Making up our minds is the aspect of Determination. Following up on the decision religiously is the aspect of Discipline we need to put into place. Most people at the top today have one thing or the other tied to their Moral Lives. So they cannot come up to advice the youth on morals. That should not be the case with us. Let us work worthily of the calling that has been placed on us. There is more to life than the moment of pleasure we derive from our Moral Lives.

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Writer Profile
mojie ephraim

Aimuemojie Ephraim.
Studied Architecture in a Polytechnic in Nigeria.
Currently a Youth Worker
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