by Zaid Shopeju
Published on: Jun 3, 2008
Type: Poetry

Before the forceful and vicious advent of the intruder,
The so-called colonial masters who subjected Africa and Africans
To the highest level of denigration, depredation,
Degradation, ruination and exploitation:
The homeland of our ancestors, the origin of world civilization,
Continental Africa was flowing with milk and honey;
The hinterland of mother Africa was immensely blessed
With immeasurable natural resources that flowed
From North to South, and from East to West.

Oh Africa, the land of our forefathers,
The land that harbours the greatest thinkers of all time,
The promised land of the ebony-skinned race…
But came the swindler in the last centuries, even to this day, with different strategies to cart away the wealth of this land… our land.

Some came with the policies of assimilation and indirect rule,
While others came with the IMF/ World Bank economic reforms.
Sharing the spoils of Africa amongst themselves,
Devouring our land for the sheer show of greed
And causing the disintegration of our foundation…

As if that was not enough,
They imposed their language, culture and ideologies on us.
And, adding insult to injury, they went ahead,
Saying Africa was chaotic and Africans ungovernable.
But then why try to govern ungovernable barbarians?

They share our land amongst themselves,
Carry away our fathers in chains and shackles;
The brain drain, which is tantamount to slavery,
They commit, among many other atrocities,
And force our young ones into servitude and destitution.

Our fathers were forced to labour in sugarcane plantations
For Europe and in North America.
Our fathers were the brains behind the greatness
Of these so-called developed countries! Yes!
Our fathers were the great labourers, architects, philosophers,
Inventors, scientists and planners of their world.
And yet they refer to us as the third world nations.

What’s our reward for this servitude?
It is subjection to the most inhumane treatment and racial discrimination.
Yes! Racism is what we earn;
From the streets of Brooklyn to Queens,
From Seattle to Cobb county in Georgia,
From Moscow to Madrid,
From Manchester to the heart of London…
Black folks were called negro, nigger
And all sort of preposterous names.

Have they forgotten?
Yes! They have forgotten that we are the pioneers of their world,
The dreamers of their dreams and the visionaries of their visions.
We can never forget who we are or where we come from;
For we are the children of the Lion,
The conqueror of the wild.
We are Africans.

We can never forget our roots, our ancestors or our cultural heritage,
For this is the new dawn of a neo-nationalist movement.
We must repossess the dignified position that’s truly ours
And restore peace to our land.
Oh, Africans!
Mother Africa is calling,
Hearken to the clarion call!

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