by katherine watson
Published on: Jan 10, 2002
Type: Opinions

It bugs me that,
people don't ever get to know you
before they judge you.

Quick to assume,
Slow to work out anything new.
people don't like different
they want you to shrink back into the darkness

So that's why we write like this;
Stories with happy endings and only the bad guys
get hurt

Because the real truth would hurt too much
Some of them wouldn't survive,
Others would die trying,
Only the elite few make it,
thats why we build them up,

Surround them with this bubble of deceit,
Choke them with the lies,
Suffocate them with the lies,
Blind them until all they can see are
The lies.

It bugs me that,
people don't ever get to know you
Till its too late.

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