by Casey Obisesan Modupe Omolara
Published on: Oct 2, 2003
Type: Experiences

A drug is said to be a chemical formula specially formulated to effect, cure or relieve from sickness and disease. Chemical scientists classified drug into soft and hard drugs.

Soft drugs are common and simple tablets syrups, etc, which are easily accessible to people upon recommendation by a physician, man, and hospital or in a pharmacy center. Hard drugs are prohibitive chemical formula, which are injurious to system except when recommended by a physician in extreme cases. Examples of hard drugs are heroin, cocaine, morphine, cannabis, Indian hemp, etc.

In the recent past, the government of the world had other pre-occupation but now they are fighting the use of hard drugs and they are used as couriers and they are also users of these drugs.

Moreover, the use of hard drugs likes cannabis, Indian hemp, heroin, marijuana; cocaine, etc. also result in DEATH. This is often common when addicts are being rehabilitated in reform centers. It causes a lot of damages to the lungs, and adverse effects on the future. And in it our youths delights pleasure, maybe they do not know that it dangerous and hazardous to their health. The usual advert of the Federal Ministry of health says, " Smokers are liable to die young". So what will be the achievement of a young man who dies young? It is a wasted effort and wasted resources.

This kind of ugly incidence cannot be allowed to continue because of its adverse on the society. Therefore, Federal, State, and Local governments should work together towards sanitizing the system.

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