Life is like a candle.
It burns, burns and burns and gives lights to others,
And goes down and down until finished,
And leaves a good example in world.
Life goes down and down every second.
Are we giving light to others?
Are we leaving good examples?
Are we leaving a bright name?
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ATTA : Atta ur Rrehman Qureashi
From Pakistan
Candles can be lit every 48 hours! A Better Community for All (ABC4All) | Apr 8th, 2008
Great poem. Please submit also to http://tigurl.org/wptyov
Candles can be lit online:
ABC4All has a group page for lighting candles!
Thanks for writing in English now too!
Great ali hussain | Apr 8th, 2008
its Reality
keep it up
Life is like a candle. ali hussain | Apr 8th, 2008
its remembersus to taught
Peace Efraim Batista de Souza Neto | Apr 9th, 2008
What enchants me these their sentences, is the context where you use the flame as our energy. How much lower, less a force for change and enlightenment. So we are, all of us together, important to world. To keep the candle always accesses.
Efraim Neto
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