by Limpo Chinika
Published on: Sep 25, 2003
Type: Opinions

Isn’t it a wonder that for the past months this year alone child defilement cases seem to be rocking our daily newspapers? It’s sad to say that the "so called" male parents or possibly brother, cousin or relative who should be there to protect the child has hit the public eye and is indeed a threat to the child. At the rate things are going, can we trust the male species anymore?

I never seize to imagine just what kind of man would defile his own daughter who is probably below the age of 13.Don’t they feel ashamed of such devious acts? Do they actually think about what merciless and heartless guardians they are showing themselves to be? I sometimes ask myself if they ever take the time to ask themselves, the kind of life the victim will live. Such things really aren't easily forgotten, as painful as it would be for the whole family the victim would remember it, as they are the ones who have been through it.

Just last week there was the case of the poor 11 year old girl who had been sexually abused for 3 years only when she was taken ill was it discovered that she had a Sexually Transmitted disease and tuberculosis, sadly she passed away last week, may her soul rest in peace. Really she had a lot to live for her life had barely begun! Should we sit back and wait for such horrendous acts to finally happen? The Zambian community as a whole should assist too. Most especially the victim Support Units and the police as a whole should join efforts to doing something about this serious predicament.

Such people should not be allowed to roam the streets after destroying the girl-child's future. In fact I have come to believe that the girl-child at the moment is in serious danger. Mostly these men think that by sleeping with a young child who isn't sexually active can cure them whether they have sexually transmitted diseases or HIV/Aid’s, little does anyone know that child sexual abuse is a risk factor for HIV/AIDS and unwanted pregnancies.

These callous men should receive stiffer punishments and be able to pay for the harm they have bestowed on the victims, painfully. Children have the right to proper, productive and safe lives. Their future at the moment should lie in our hands and not at the hands of shameful, irresponsible guardians.

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