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by whyte habeeb ibidapo | |
Published on: Feb 19, 2008 | |
Topic: | |
Type: Opinions | |
https://www.tigweb.org/express/panorama/article.html?ContentID=18561 | |
EDUCATION: A MUST FOR EVERY CHILD. February 5, 2008 Education is the root of all attainable achievement in life. An uneducated mind is like a living corpse says TAI SOLARIN. Education is a process of teaching, training and learning especially in schools and colleges and also to improve knowledge and develop skills. The United Nations Millennium Development Goals (MDGS) 2 is based on how to achieve Universal Basic Primary education and its target by 2015, is that children everywhere, boys and girls alike, will be able to complete a full course of primary schooling. Could this ever be possible? Also, the article 28 on the convention on the right of a child is of the view that primary education should be made compulsory and available free to all. It also emphasizes the development of different forms of education including general and vocational education; make them available and accessible to every child. Take appropriate measures such as the introduction of free education and offering financial assistance in case of need. Education is the only property a child can be bequeathed says my Mother. Education goes a long way in the proper development and upbringing of a child. It is also the tool in the hand of the diligent. Once a man is educated he/she becomes a policy maker. Education should be made compulsory and free for all. It should be extended to all children in the world, no child should be denied of learning in the fall walls of the classroom. According to Aristotle he said a child when born is in a state of ‘TABULARAZER” i.e. a state of nothing. So if a child is born he/she should be educated and it must start at their tender age. He/she should learn how to read and write; with education their future is bright and glorious. Whatever thing a child would achieve is the length of what such child embodied through learning. A child’s brain works along with the capacity of aspiration if educated. The Education of a child must be made compulsory and must start at the childhood stage because it is a sensitive stage. Education must be for all children at all ages. The United Nations target to me is a plan for the future. It seems all the countries of the world have now seen reason why education should be compulsory. If truly they plan to achieve this, more classrooms should be built in conducive environment to aid better learning. Writing and reading materials should be given to students. Education goes a long way refine the built in potentials of a child with education, a child would become whatever he/she desires. The Section 15 of the child’s right law states that ‘Every child has the right to free and universal primary education and it shall be the duty of the government, individuals, parents and guardian to provide such education. Educating a child is like giving a child the password to unlock success in life. It is now left for the child to make good judicious use of the opportunity bestowed on him/her. A child should no allow anyone to take school away from him/her. Going to learn would make you live a responsible life. Tags: written by whyte ibidapo -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Posted at: 08:45 PM | Add Comment | | del.icio « return. |