Published on: Feb 18, 2008
Type: Opinions

Life is a phenomenon that comes to be when some cells, tissues, organs and systems come together to function as and for a whole. Without cells there will be an impossibility of life. Being the smallest and fundamental unit of life, it contributes immensely to life. Life is possible because these units of cells work together and not in isolation.

Humans are not supposed to live in isolation; in their existence, they interact with nature and natural materials that makes life and living possible. As water bodies, vegetation, topography animals, weather etc and without these, life would have being a kind of miserable. But our relationship with nature, we violate natural state of things- which in turn becomes disastrous. The niche is the habitat of a living thing, and the relationship between the living thing and its habitat. Man in his habitat, - earth, and his relationship with his habitat (niche) has not proved safe as many problems have risen as a result of natural state violation and alteration of things on earth.

The issue of global warming which is causing problems as tsunamis, earthquakes etc is as a result of human mal-intervention and mal-participation, alteration and involvements in the natural cause of things. These mal practices also have made us vulnerable to attacks from the elements of nature, it is caused by the improper human use and activities in his habitat. The habitat is where a thing is found and living successfully. How have scientific and technological processes have made man uncomfortable with his abode? There is an alarming cry for help and proper intervention so as to sustain our planet from some of impending problems caused by these man’s mal activities. The recent global concern – climate change also is one of the outcomes of man’s earthly activities but do we run away from our habitat? Absolutely no! If on the contrary, the answer is yes, then where do we go? This therefore begs the question; what and how can we help and properly intervene to remedy this situation of climate change and reduce this – planet unfriendly activities of man?

Thanks to scientific discoveries of some of the most destructive and nature damaging materials made and used by man. Most of the combust fuels used to power ships, space crafts, contributes to a higher degree to the overall natural pollution of most developed countries; the smokes from industrial machines containing a concentrated amount of some carbon oxides, affects the natural standard of the regional atmospheric protective shield- the Ozone layer, as it is usually unstable, it easily go into reaction. For many years, industrialization has served as a medium of introducing pollutants in to our environment in concentrations that are having negative and harmful effects on our lifes, animals, plants and other property. Some of these pollutants are lead II bromide, Carbon oxides, Freon from aerosols, oxides of sulphur and Nitrogen, fossil fuels, chloroflouro-carbon compounds, gaseous hydrocarbons, even rubbish, dirt, refuse and filthy environment causes health problems as cancer, eyes- nose and throat irritations, global warming,(green house effect), lethargy, headaches, brain damage and injury of the nervous systems.

Also, nature over the years had tried to keep these pollutants within limits but their daily introductions, has outweighed the natural control levels. One of these mal activities of man is Deforestation: which is the destruction of vegetations- forests, trees, plants, arable plants, pastures, plantation and reserves. This contributes to the higher concentration of carbon dioxide in the air, combined with other processes that use the carbon fuels as their energy source causes an over production of this compound which will in turn result to over retention of the cosmic radiations (infrared rays) giving rise to the Global Warming Phenomenon.

Let us stop deforestation. Let’s start forests regeneration by planting trees in plantations between and along highways, streets, roads and around our homes. Let us conserve these major areas to solve this problem of green house effect. If every citizen of the world plants at least one tree crop, we will reduce the concentration of the atmospheric carbon dioxides through the natural way and also reduce the retention of the cosmic radiations, thus, eradicating the issue of global warming.

Speaking on the issue of bush burning, this is a major farming practice by the unenlightened farmers in most rural areas. It causes much harm and damage to the productivity of the farm lands, and living things within the soils. Many organisms and crop nutrients that help in the fertility of the farm land are destroyed in this process thus making the soil unproductive as it could have being if not burned. This should be discouraged by the agricultural sector of every national economy as this practice does not conserve our niche and habitat.

Also there should be the provision of better waste management procedures by the developing countries so as have a healthy environment and a healthy citizenry. More so, improvements should be made on the machineries of ships, cars, machineries that there should be proper and efficient combustions of fuels by these machines to reduce the pollution.

For our aquatic lives, industries should be given instructions not to involve in oil and other chemicals spillage or disposal of any chemicals into the water bodies to prevent the destruction of the aquatic lives and pollution of water. Then as for our Ozone layer and its depletion, the use of Freon and its like materials should be banned to prevent further depletion. It is time to contribute positively to our niche and avoid environment unfriendly activities so that we can life successfully and enjoy more of civilization, industrialization and innovations. Let us not involve in practices that alters the natural and weather elements in such ways that will affect us in the future and suffer their consequences.

Better still; let nobody wait until somebody else does what he is supposed to do before anybody does his own part, because there is no Mr. Right who will ride upon a white horse without his own problems looking for everyone to make their lives wonderful. The truth is we all have to get involved in the most effective and efficient ways possible to conserve nature by using the niche concept.

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