Published on: Feb 15, 2008
Type: Short Stories

There was a woman called Mrs Rose in a small town called “Enyi”
In this small town, is a church, and Mrs Rose happened to the richest
Person in that church and also the eyes with which they see, Mrs Rose
Will always give to the poor in the public, give huge amount of money
In the church for Gods work and in the community for development, and
People will praise her. One day, Mrs Rose died; in fact it was like the day
of Docas of the Bible, after Mrs Rose was buried, a young man dreamt where he died, and in his dream, an angel took him into a very beautiful place, in that place, he saw many people rejoicing but he did not see Mrs Rose, he became so worried that he told the angel “ there is a woman I am looking for” and the angel asked him the name of the woman, he said Mrs Rose, the angel took him to a large and beautiful seating room, and brought out
a big book, they started searching for the name “Mrs Rose” but from the beginning of the big book to its end, Mrs Rose were not found, the angel took him to a very handsome man,seated in a golden throne in a
Glittering palace, and he complained to the man who dressed like a king. The man gave them another big book, almost at the end of their search, at the last page of the book, behold the name “Mrs Rose”, and the young man jumped in happiness and said to the angel: I told you she is here, but in disappointment, the angel told him that the people whose name are in this book are the people who are in the place of teeth gnashing, immediately the young man cried with a loud voice and said noooo she can not be there.
She was a very good woman, she gave to the work of God, provided for the needy, donated money to the community, how can she do all this things and be there. He pleaded until the angel started pleading to the king on his behalf and after a while, the king decided to give Mrs Rose a second chance and ordered the angel to go get Mrs Rose out of the pit. The angel took a very long rope and went to the pit with the young man, when they got there, the angel laid the rope down into the dip pit and called with a loud voice “Rose”, a faint voice answered and said “I am here sir” the angel told her “ this rope is for you. Hold on to it and climb up so that you can get out of the pit, she was glad to have that opportunity, and without hesitation she held the rope and started climbing with joy.
Mrs Rose climbed and climbed until she was about two fit out of the pit, she now looked down and saw that other people are also climbing up with her, she said to them “why are you climbing up with me? This rope is for me alone, all of you must go down known” she started kicking them on the head saying “go down, go down, go down, go down” in the process of kicking other people, she loosed her grip to the rope and fell back into the deep pit shouting NOOOOOOooooooo. The angel gradually pulled up the rope in disappointment, and the young man cried in agony, the king came and with a gentle voice he said to them, “This is what Mrs Rose was doing when she was alive on earth, she only gave in the public so that people will see her as a rich woman and praise her, she provided for the needy to attract love and respect for her self, she did not do all that in righteousness. She was an obstacle to other people’s progress, she wanted only herself to be seen, she never allowed other people to come up and that is why she is in that pit, even when she has been given a second chance, she could not still repent. She has exhausted her chances of repentance.
The young man cried and cried until he woke up from his dream.

We must be careful the way we live our lives, because after mans marking scheme, God has his own marking scheme and if he does not mark us right, we have failed.
He has a purpose for bringing us into this world and I believe that it is to make the world a better place for humanity by promoting love, peace, unity and living a God fearing life.
If we do not live to achieve this four factors, it means that we are a disappointment to our generation and to God our creator. We are the people to make the world a better place and the time is now, so let’s work harder with sincerity, we are not far from Mr victory.


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