by Johnson Kayode Jedidiah
Published on: Jan 24, 2008
Type: Poetry

Efforts are made
by men and women
all the days of their lives
to accomplish their heart’s desire,
even if it conflicts
with God's plan for their lives.
Only a small fraction of them
retrace their steps back to Him.

This has led many
into frustration and dejection,
thereby concluding that
God does not care about them
or their peculiar situations
and circumstances.

This makes life
very boring and full of struggles
with all sorts of evil thoughts,
acts and deeds being perpetuated.
Destinies are sabotaged
just for a very short stay
on this side of eternity.

The irony and the most painful
of it all is that
heirs of salvation
who had been bought
with a unique and eternal price
which is unquantifiable
are also caught in the trap.

I was also caught
in the same trap,
wallowing in the pit of self help
for two years, trying to do my thing
my own way, the best way
i knew how to do it,
with all my efforts
and resources channeled
into making things work for me.
‘cos I felt God had forgotten
about my relationship.

But for every depth of effort I applied,
much frustration and disappointment set in.
I got fed up, blaming God
for all my woes and setbacks,
encouraging others in their relationships
but in need of encouragement myself.

I finally gave up my attempts,
letting go of my impatience and quick fixes,
chose to wait for His appointed time
and His will to be established in my life.
Though not a palatable experience,
I had no other choice to make.
Then when I least expected it,
what I least expected happened.
There she appeared
with her lovely smiles
and encouraging words,
not mindful of my economic value
but totally given to purpose
and desiring His will to be established
in her life and home.

She gave me the reason
to wait for God in all I do,
regardless of how discouraging
it might seem, again.

She is charming and adorable,
a virtuous lady,
cherished, appreciated
and well spoken of by all-
Calm, cool and energetic,
full of humour, life and vigour

What a joy
to have such a special treasure
being prepared and preserved
for such an impatient
and undone man like me!
But thank God for His mercy and grace.

Raised in a God-fearing
and bonded home,
she’s thought to accept God's word
as the final authority in her life,
not looking down on others
but appreciating
each person's unique individuality.

Because of her
God kept and preserved me
even during my period of impatience.
His mercy and grace were there for me.

God, I say a big THANK YOU to You
for Your loving-kindness to me.
I'll forever live my life
to worship and honour Your holy name
for Who and What You have been to me
and also to cherish
and nourish my for love for her.

Oh! What a joy to have someone like YOU
being prepared to spend her entire life
with me to comfort and encourage me
all the days of my life!

Thank you for choosing to love me
Despite all my inadequacies.

Johnson Kayode Kolade Jedidiah
© January 2008

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