by Tiffany Saxon
Published on: Dec 20, 2007
Type: Poetry

For the rain keeps falling...
And with every beat of my heart,
I hear your voice calling.
For you call in harmony and in
Hearing the sound of strings in which
you played, left a mass of memories that
will never cease.
For as we all know that beauty is skin
For on this day...
I've ...Remembered,
Cried and Grieved in my sleep.
And as i awaken from the night,
God blessed me with your biggest
Giving me the strength to continue to
go that extra mile.
For i and your three beauties...
[ Angela, Rashaunda, and Laqueida]
Love you very much,
For giving us your heart that we can...
Hear and Touch.
So this is dedicated to you with love,
For we know you're going to take a ride
to the heaven's above.
May god bless you on this day,
For you are one in a million in every
The End!

This poem was written for the family
of Bradley S Brown.

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