The only attribute that can lead man to excellence is called talent. All of us have talents, often undeveloped, sometimes ignored, and frequently used without our realizing that they are gifts to us from God.
Unfortunately, most people find it difficult to discover their talents because they are fearful of losing a life-long passion. They cherish an ambition that is more than a passing fancy or a calculated decision based on weighing pros and cons. It is a lifelong passion. They cannot tolerate any suggestion that their ambition is unrealistic or out of harmony with their makeup because they cannot bear the thought of giving up this goal. They start denying obvious conclusions in an effort to protect their passion.
Cherished ambitions usually select a combination of our interests and values. These are both important and good, but they can’t take the place of talent. In most cases, learning about our natural talents will not eliminate or change our lifelong passion, but instead open the door to its fulfillment. Knowing our natural talents allows us to redirect our aims to realistic, accomplishable goals.
The inability of some people to recognize their strengths keeps them from discovering their talents. None of us likes to focus on what we can’t do, but if we are not sure about what we can do we are likely to feel very threatened by the prospect of acknowledging those areas in which we lack strengths. When we are not sure of what we are good at, we may retreat in fear of finding out that we just don’t have any talents. However, God has given each of us unique talents, and once we grasp this truth, we will be able to relax and examine ourselves honestly. We will want to let go of our misconceptions and begin embracing our case of natural talents.
I wish to offer some simple suggestions on how people can discover their talents. It is best to find a quiet place where it is possible to think and not be interrupted for a few minutes. Then ask yourself these questions:
- At what have I excelled in my life so far?
- What do I like to do that has caused others to compliment me?
- What do I do well and think of as fun although my friends see it as work or as a boring activity?
Analyzing the answers to the above questions will give us the courage and zeal to use the talents God has given us. This will make us start living an enriched life and giving our best and will enable others to attain their best.
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olusiji lasekan
My name is Lasekan Olusiji. I'm from Abuja and am the founder of the Youth Leadership Development Foundation. My interests include leadership and communication. My contact information follows: lash012@yahoo.com
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