by Adebimpe Dosunmu
Published on: Jul 29, 2003
Type: Opinions

Poverty, a word so familiar and disheartening that it sends shivers down spines at the mere thought of it. Poverty represents lack, hunger, incapacity and suffering. It is a phenomenon that unites all nations of the world. Take a look around and count how many people in your environments are victims to poverty.

Some one will probably say I see it and if I asked for examples you’d point to the man on the street wearing rags or the family down the road who hardly have enough to eat. I agree that that is poverty in a sense, but the greatest poverty lies mostly in those who would not even count themselves as poor.

Poverty lies more in your mind than in your pocket or on your table. It goes beyond how much you have in your account or in fixed deposit. It actually refers to how much you have in the most private bank of all – YOU.

You are poor if you don’t believe in yourself, you’re poor if you are afraid of who you are, you’re the most poverty stricken individual if your perception of yourself is below that of a genius. Yes, you are indeed the poorest of all.

A genius has one head, two eyes, a mouth, a nose and one brain just like you, what then makes him a genius? He discovered his knack and wasn’t afraid to follow it. You can be a genius in only what brings everything about you together, the very thing you enjoy with every fiber of your being. Now, it doesn’t matter that people don’t appreciate it or that they think you don’t measure up, because the sun doesn’t measure up until it’s about noon, when it’s fully risen. When your noon comes the beauty of who u are will be seen and greatly appreciated.

The way to eradicate poverty is a long one but if we start with the greatest poverty of all, we are sure to cover lots of ground in record time. Rise with the sun, discover who you are and explore it without fear.

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