by Ishmael Dumbuya | |
Published on: Oct 25, 2007 | |
Topic: | |
Type: Opinions | | | |
The importance of the components of the environment is the focus of preservation, so that man will continue to enjoy its benefit. It is everybody’s concern about how we can keep the varied resources from depletion or extinction; hence we have to design ways and means to preserve our environment. Preservation of the environment is simply a means of keeping or conserving the resources from total destruction, collapse or extinction. A conservationist is an environmentalist who takes responsibility to preserve the natural resources of a state. There the total of our efforts to preserve our environment is generally referred to as conservation. The idea of preservation borders on our desire to preserve our environment and save some of our natural resources by using them wisely. The resources are properly managed to avoid wastage or total extinction of valuable gifts especially those resources that are non-renewable. Behind this background the environment must be conserved so that man will continue to use the resources to their advantage. It is important to note that failing to do so will result to very serious consequences that will eventually result to devastating effect on our lives. Human interaction with the beautiful environment has resulted to the environment being polluted, wasted and above all misused. The mining giant in the country, Koidu Holdings has misused large portions of the environment. Other mining companies are also part of this. Their mining activities in the diamondiferous areas in the country have resulted to high rate of the environment being damaged. There is regulation in the Environmental Protection Act of 2000 for them to be using environmental impact assessment. But unfortunately, a good number of these mining companies are operating without environmental impact assessment. This was revealed recently by a national survey on mining activists in the country by the Network Movement for Justice and Development. Apart from mining activities in the country, there are also activities by individuals dumping wastage in the sea or within the city’s most beautiful parts. However, the German NGO-GTZ and Clean Salone Programme are now helping the city in clearing its filth and diseases through rapid garbage collection in the city which is part of environmental sustainability. Ensuring environmental sustainability is the seventh goal expected to be attained in the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) by 2015. This can, however, be ensured by protecting the environment and using the resources wisely, contrary to what the mining companies and some people are doing towards the earth. By and large, poor people depend on natural resources for their livelihood, and hence are the most affected by environmental degradation and natural disasters the effects of which are worsened by environmental mismanagement. It is arguably submitted that man’s activities in the environment have changed the natural status of the environment. There is deforestation in many parts of the world causing loss of some habitats, tidal tragedies, global warming and climate change in many regions. For example, some regions that had wild animals in large numbers no longer have them. Our environment needs to be preserved and without that there will come a time when everyone on the earth will suffer the consequences of the results. Going by the experiences of the past, it would appear that environmental laws are becoming out-dated. This means that it cannot stand the test of time or are not enforced at all. Example is the indiscriminate chopping down of trees to put up structures in which Laws that highlight how this process is done, sadly enough, make the laws to be strapped to the detriment of our lives. At the present, the meteorological department of water for 2007 based water catchments due mainly to the chopping down of trees. This has further affected the quantity of rainfall to be very low. In one province, rains are very low this year in the country because of the shortages of trees in the country. The laws are there but are flouted by the authorities who are expected to be the role models. One other way in which our environment can be preserved is through strengthening environmental education through formal and non-formal educational systems. Hence the curriculum of the school system, posters, and mass media must integrate environmental education at both primary and secondary level. Non-formal education through education, film shows, drama, posters, meetings and practical demonstrations on conservation methods. With the adoption of these strategies and implementing new policies and enforcing on them, it is hoped that there will be positive reduction in environmental degradation. Non-governmental organizations on environmental conservation such as Green Scenery, Klin Salone etc. are addressing this issue. The conservation society Sierra Leone has established youth clubs in some primary and secondary schools in the country. They also included teachers on the programme. The clubs have concentrated mainly on programmes of aforestation as conservation remedy and environmental education. It is hoped that the membership of these clubs will serve as change agents that help to change the attitude of their communities and the country as a whole towards the environment. By and large, it is of no gain saying that environmental preservation can help considerably on the environment for human beings. So those who mismanage the Koidu Holdings, disrupting and polluting the air waters of Sierra Leone must now know that they are doing so at the expense of the environment and the Sierra Leone populace. It is therefore recommended that all those who are fun of that habit should stop doing and help protect and develop our given environment on earth. « return. |