Our eloquent science teacher
There are teachers
And there are teachers.
There are those who teach and stop
And ones like you, who teach to help.
Our eloquent science teacher with a heart;
The kind that will for no reason cheat.
There are so many words in the dictionary
So many more beyond the ordinary
But how many can really express the gradient of your charisma and intelligence
Or the very beauty of your transparency.
Yes, it takes a teacher to do the teacher
But it takes you only to be our eloquent science teacher
This is not a confession of only a man
An affirmation by many gone and we the remain
It will soon be my turn
Not to say I will be gone without return
Before we meet again
I just want to say thank you again
For the faith you had in me
For the genius you made out of me
Indeed, you are a heavily great science teacher
Our eloquent science teacher.
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