by Vittal Koppal | |
Published on: Oct 19, 2007 | |
Topic: | |
Type: Opinions | | | |
It is a great feeling for me, for coming across a sensitive human being like you, who is interested in thinking globally acting locally. The limitations of one’s self-development are endless in itself. Because it includes all the self-improvement wisdom of the world developed since ancient times. No one knows for sure when your ancestors became conscious regarding developing themselves into fine civilizations. Certainly one becomes speechless. When one goes in search of books and stands in front of an endless collections of titles on different subjects in bookstores and libraries, looking at those vast collections, you will wonder how anyone could ever become expert enough to call oneself as a knowledgeable person with a well developed understanding. The first question you will ask yourself is - Is it possible to read, digest and master this ever growing vast explosion of knowledge totally in anyone’s lifetime? No indeed it is not possible, Then what to do? Do you stop learning, educating and developing yourselves? No certainly there is no need to stop your self-development either. Then what to do? It becomes necessary for us to find more effective and fast solutions for your self-development. ‘Self-development is a flowering of your personality from within, however it is not moulding yourselves into something which you are not’. To find this then you will have to go and find the origin of all the knowledge connected to self-development subject. From where do you think that all this endless vast knowledge is continuously coming into your existential world? Why all those books have been created? And why many books on many subjects are being created at this very present moment? What makes a writer compulsively to write, create and share this ‘ever fresh universal self-knowledge’? Are they not also just simple common people like anyone else in the world? Yes indeed they are just like us, but a kind of flowering has occurred within them by which they are able to see the life from many different dimensions. Okay, then first let us go within our own consciousness and find answers to these questions, ‘NOW’. So now it is self-evident that words are the communication mediums by which all the universal knowledge is conveyed to ‘you’. Now you will find out what these ‘words’ really are? And who are ‘you’ and your individual identity is, because knowing about your relationship with ‘words’ and one’s true individual identity is the first step towards one’s self-development. Lack of self-understanding is the root cause of all miseries, confusions and difficulties in one’s life. When you are incapable to understand your individuality properly then you cannot develop your personality and interact effectively with the people around us. One will just end up feeling as if s/he is an inadequate person. You will really know it how amazing is the journey of self-discovery is, as you explore it from all together with an ‘out of box’ approach. Okay, shall you begin? So you will start from one step at a moment so as to make your journey interesting and exciting as Well. Well, do you remember when you learnt the first word of your life? Well, I am asking this strange question is simply because before you learnt the first word of your life, at the moment when you were just born. At that moment you were not what you think, assume and believe you are now. Because, before you grew up to be an educated “worldly wise” knowledgeable individual, you were free like butterfly. You were beyond gender. Your eyes were shinning like stars. Without any apparent reason your joy, your bliss and your happiness Were limitless. You were the very joy, bliss and happiness because those were your intrinsic nature and essence. Why? Because at those precious moments you were one with the whole universe, you were peerless light of limitless consciousness itself. You never experienced the Universe around you as something separate and different. You and universe were indivisible. You were one with yourself along with entire contentment of the universe. You never expected anything from anyone. Because you already had everything that you ever wanted, you were happy to be what you already were. Because you were not involved in any process of becoming, you were in the eternal “omnipresence” of the “now and here”. You did not knew what worry is, because there was not any kind of “need” within you. You were not rushing towards anything because; at those precious moments there was not any kind of sense of time within you. There was not any sense of fear or worry within you. You were not poor or rich, you were not a good person or a bad person, and therefore you were free from all duality and all manmade social, religious and political divisions and differences of the world. Do you remember such precious moments of your own earlier life? Of course how anyone could remember precious moments? Everyone unconsciously forgets those precious moments as soon as one falls into ‘the trap’ of becoming something which s/he is not. Do you wish to go back to those beautiful moments of your own life? Certainly who doesn’t wish to go back to such one’s own intrinsic heightened state of universal consciousness? That too effortlessly Yes the first word you repetitively heard was the “NAME” given to you by your parents. When you heard that first word repetitively again and again, you really did not knew why that sound was repetitively uttered at you, And for what it was meant for. However by and by that first word went deeper and deeper into your consciousness and created the first thought in your consciousness called ‘I am’ “I exist because I am” ‘I am because I experience, I feel, Thus that first input of an individualized imprint called ‘I am” was created into your limitless inner consciousness. That first ‘word’ was the ‘input’ for the formation of your individualized memory in your brain. That in turn was the beginning of your individualized combination of ‘body, intellect and consciousness’. Those impressions of sensory inputs in turn started to create divisions within your inner universal consciousness in the form of words and their related images. Many different impressive inputs with corresponding meanings, images, feelings and emotions followed one after another and will continue throughout your life time. All this was started when you were a small helpless child. Vulnerable like a flower, ever since, all these sensory inputs have been making their imprints on your universal consciousness or within your true Self. Consequence of identifying yourself with that first ‘WORD’ your name was your first step towards unconsciously going away from your own true intrinsic universal centre. Simultaneously unconsciously you lost your true universal centre forever and thus you were intellectually separated from the whole universe. Along with it went your eternal inner peace of total universal contentment. Your first word your “NAME” also gave you a gender, sexuality, religion, locality and country. Then you came to know the second word called “MOM”. Then the third word called “DAD”, then many endless more words, more names and more images. Then many endless repetitive inputs imprints of language, grammar, pronunciation, science, history, mathematics, and commerce on your universal consciousness were followed. Along with your physical growth you learnt to grow intellectually in the process of becoming ‘a perfect fit’ in the ever imperfect world around. Ultimately now you have become a worldly wise intellectual person, which has become your ‘first and last identity’ now that is what you believe you are, don’t you? Yes unconsciously you were trained, moulded and fixated into a “personification” as per your family traditions, religion, caste, culture, place of birth, and lastly your country which has transformed you into some worldly social identity. So that you become a perfect fit as a functional intelligent human useful to your home, to the social structure into which you were born and lastly to the statuesque, thus you were separated and split into many parts intellectually from your true eternal one unified universal identity. However your individualized identity formation based on your individual inputs has been taking shape since the moment when you unconsciously started to identify yourself with that first input imprint of first ‘WORD’ your name. Which was not actually you, but was just an indication to identify the beautiful combination of body and universal consciousness. This actually was “TRUE YOU”. Factually you also do exist beyond your physical body, your name, your mind and beyond the world and hence beyond the matter, space, and time itself. Whatever I am saying to you, does it not seem to be incredible and quite unbelievable? Yes indeed this is a new unexplored dimension regarding your personality. And this new concept indeed appears quite incredible and unbelievable. However fortunately this is a fact and very much true. Yes, you too are equally equipped with common sense like anyone else on this planet. Yes you too can self-explore and self-analyze this hidden data of self-knowledge or an unexplored truth within your inner dimension on your own capacity. This rare book will certainly guide you to ‘find it now’. Since your attitude about yourselves determines the quality of your life time on planet earth. As you learn more about yourselves you come to understand others better. Vast universe that you “perceive and know” through five windows of your senses, the five input devices of a super combination of body and universal consciousness called as “human” which is ‘you’. The impulsive input signals of sound through the ears; of touch through the skin; of smell through the nose; of light, darkness and images through the eyes; of taste through the tongue. Such different combinations of combined impulsive input signals reproduce, reflections, and imprints of many different bio-electro-chemical-charges in the fluid of your brain that fluid is a Neurotransmitter. This neurotransmitter in turn induce different mental psychiatric states, like feelings, emotions, moods, misery, joy, happiness, love, hate, anger, senses of satisfaction and dissatisfaction, knowing and not knowing so on and so forth with help of your universal consciousness. Now, know that all that your brain is filled with is, the input recordings of experiences called as memory of imprints of words, names and images which are just indications to identify each and everything as if it is separated from you. But in actuality everything in this universe is “YOU” and nothing else but “YOU” and only “YOU”. Yes indeed, this feels like a hard nut to chew intellectually. Without light of universal consciousness there is no universe both are indivisible. When there are no proper words to identify something “new” that you come across, then automatically and immediately a “new word” is invented or straight away taken from other languages. It is simultaneously verbalized and imprinted into your universal consciousness as a known data of worldly knowledge. Or simply called as your language which is also your collective communication dictionary used by your individual localized minds, Thus your individual mind of ‘I-ness’ the “Intellect” human’s “Operating System” takes its shape and comes into existence. This has just a utilitarian value. This is quite helpful for successfully interacting, surviving, and functioning in the human world called as collective intellect. However until now the sum total of all the invented, discovered and verbalized data of the knowledge is nothing but your own invented-discovered-worldly-knowledge. This totally amounts only to a tiny fraction of the universal, unexplored, hidden data of your self-knowledge which you all share equally and universally. It is the universal cosmic intelligence, the universal consciousness. Which still exist “Out There” in the form of ‘us’, the human race? That hidden data is still unexplored and waiting for ‘your’ self-exploration and verbalization. Which always remains out of reach of the anyone’s “individualized intellect” because human race is continuously, regenerating and expanding endlessly moment to moment because of their special inborn unique inquisitiveness and the universal consciousness within. Therefore the universal consciousness is also called as the tree of self-knowledge having its roots within the consciousness of the human beings. The inventors, the discoverers and the creators of all the verbalized self-knowledge, which is the true “YOU”, therefore your universal consciousness is the true origin of all the worldly knowledge. Hence universal self-knowledge is called as mother of all the worldly knowledge. All the fruits of the modern scientific advancements that you all are enjoying equally unconsciously belong to this miraculous tree of supreme self-knowledge within ‘you’. So naturally now you can arrive at the final concluding point that the hidden data of universal knowledge exists universally within all of us. On the other hand it is also true that unfortunately your own individualized and personified mind is taking us away from your own center of “The Universal-True-Self”. Now that memory of individualized recorded data of worldly knowledge has become the only medium through which one can see, smell, touch, taste, feel, hear, know, learn, experience and understand anything in the universe. As a matter of fact usually you do not identify yourself with your “True-Self”. But tragically now in your day-to-day life you have been habituated to identify yourself with your individualized, self-centred, localized and personified “body and mind” combination, but which is not the real you, whereas the actual you are the miraculous combination of ‘body, intellect and the light of consciousnesses. On the other hand that has transformed you into just an ordinary being with a ‘self-centred, localized, and personified psyche’ or a separated individual and nothing else. The more worldly knowledge One discover, invent, verbalize and create naturally the more knowledgeable or the “mindful” “worldly” “materialistic” “Intelligent” person one will become. Because of its tremendous everyday utilitarian value, naturally the data of worldly knowledge is forever growing expanding endlessly. It is continuously verbalized into thoughts and further into forms of printed books and e-books which you can call as “recordings of known data of the worldly knowledge” simultaneously growing as “the global collective mind” within the brains of human beings. Therefore the syllabus material of the universities and educational institutes is helplessly being updated continuously year after year. Regardless of any subjects that students are learning now within the four walls of their universities will certainly become outdated before they come out after completion of their graduation, naturally, in these days of vast information explosion, when the true values of life are losing their significance. Tragically, now the world at large itself is helplessly on an endless path which certainly is taking the “individuals” farther and farther away from their own inner light of intrinsic peerless universal true-self, towards a “bottomless abyss” called “Nowhere”. Therefore now the immediate question in front of the humankind is to find an answer to the important question. Why today the true values of life are losing their significance? The answer is very simple. It is simply because the minds of the individuals of the humanity have not yet universalized. The minds of the individuals are unconsciously being moulded wrongly and put against one another, by inter-opposing social, religious, and political thoughts and belief systems. That is being passed on from generation to generation without a second thought. It means that you are unconsciously accepting yourselves unquestioningly and unconditionally what you are told you are which is exactly very far from what you really ‘are’. So what to do and what not to do? Where to go and where not to go? Where are you? Are you nothing else but a living puppet, doll that is stuffed with the inter-opposing social, religious, and political thoughts and belief systems? Are you just a limiting identity with ‘self-centred, localized, and personified psyche? Are you an identifying tool that is just surviving in the infinite universe identifying everything around as per its input data and information? Then where are you? Are you within your body? Are you beyond your body? Then where that beyond is? Is that “beyond”, beyond the true “YOU”? How can you find your innate true original light of intrinsic universal intelligence? Where can you find your own earlier universal contentment? Is it not true that, your own universal consciousness, your own innate infinite intelligence, now, almost appears to be somewhere beyond, far very far and away from you, does it not? Can you ever find that miraculous inner light of universal contentment in the external divided world around you which is the by product of the divided individualized localized and self-centred personified intellects? Now don’t you strongly believe that, you are different and separate from the universe around you? Can you find it in others, whom you think that they too are separated from you? Can you find it by doing or not doing something? Can, some worldly wise person help you to find your ‘true universal centre’ on behalf of you and give it back to you, who is also unconsciously individualized and moulded just like you? That is why it is again and again wisely said that, to find your own true universal centre, again you have transformed yourself just like a small child. And earn the capabilities to look at the world from the clear and fresh eyes along with a peerless clear conscience of a small child. Because the universal light of consciousness keeps on regenerating and recreating itself in the ever new forms of the human beings and rest of the alive nature by the help of conception and procreation and thus successfully manifesting its own continuity of eternal existence by the process of the regeneration. Is it not true that without finding your true identity of your true Self, your life seems to be meaningless? Well how long it would take to find your true identity of your true intrinsic universal Self? Whatever I am saying, to you do you think that this is just quite something beyond the reach of one’s mind? Then this is especially designed just for you. Just ride on further on a mysterious off the beaten track into your own consciousness and see for yourself how the eternal mystery of the life unfolds in front of you and see how again effortlessly you can “step-back” into your true universal intrinsic centre. And go to the true universal intrinsic unified future of the omnipresent world of ‘now and here’. Go on and find out your true roots. Find out how the mystery of the hidden data of universal self-knowledge unfolds within your inner dimensions. Yes, this vision indeed may be yet one more new concept, but this new concept will take you to your own inner true intrinsic peerless universal Self. Yes towards your own light of universal consciousness. Yes indeed this is an effort to invoke and effectively empower you with the universal self-knowledge. Who is the Knower? What makes one’s mind enlightened and illuminated with endless insights? Does this life have any purpose? Does your life governed by mere chances? What is the cause of the universal cosmos? Are you nothing else but a ‘self-centred, localized, and personified psyche or an intelligent animal, that just procreates and survives? Who is born? Who is breathing within your body? Who is really alive? What is death? Who do really die? Or else is the so called death is just a myth? Who really are the living individuals? This book guides you to find answers to such important crucial unanswered questions of your own life. « return. |