by Iman Ng
Published on: Sep 9, 2007
Type: Poetry

I have an unceasing conviction in diligence;
In action, it stuns with its vigilance,
the thoroughly cleansing effect of struggles and desires
that result from its proclivity to strive and aspire.
Perseverance, striking a concordant posture
among young minds, rupture
attempts by ignorance to undermine intellectual autonomy.
Fellow intellectuals, rise and defend us from complacency
while the night is still young!

The proselytizing affections of my faith in progress
annihilate notions of atavistic self-regression to cower.
I believe, I affirm, I decree
in my ever-expanding capacity to search for intangible truths,
undeterred by psychological phenomenon,
to invest my time and energy in pursuing excellence;
forever with ambition as the compound interest, and
altruism as the witness.

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