by Odimegwu Onwumere
Published on: Aug 30, 2007
Type: Poetry

And, The World Ends Here

Like it is in the Middle-east
and the fictitious films we watch;
like that, they come unleashing terror,
abetting to the sufferings of the citizens
with high sounding sounds, gbum-gbum,
and it send out the spirits of some people away
and they never return.

Our dogs keep mute
and our cocks stop crowing;
all are running as we are running.

The day darken with ripples
and labour grips labouring women
with their pregnancies,
and some lose their premature pregnancies.

Men are not known for their doggedness again,
women not known for their loquaciousness,
and kids become sudden mature
because of the man-made havoc
in the city of Port Havoc.

And, the world ends here.

A lot of people are raptured
by the bullets of the assailants.

Copyright 2007 Odimegwu Onwumere

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