by CM
Published on: Aug 21, 2007
Type: Poetry

Most of us have been raised and have lived in the same place all of our lives and have had our families live close. The place is called “home”. There are others of us who have not.

All of us try to love the world inside and out and believe there must be another world beyond the skies. A world not many people have reached. Fear of the unknown, a life of a curious mind. An air so pure and innocent - the destination of a searching soul.

A light at the end of the tunnel is all what can be seen. Apart of the fear, a life full of hope. We think that we need to travel through this space because we may otherwise never know.

A great life, so different to anything we have explored before:

The morning awake us with a smile,
our love dances in our heart, we feel the world is a perfect life and we are in peace.

The noon makes us hot, our love starts melting our hearts, a feeling the world is warm and precious.

The evening holds us with happiness, our love being to play inside our heart, the night hugs us with love and our love being to burn in our soul. The world is a treasure…..

Wouldn’t that world be wonderful?
It is great being able to slip through that space.
A world where we don’t need to suffer
from unfairness, fights and terrible moments.
Moments such as not knowing how we will make the next day. Or how we are going to survive…

Yes, a dream indeed but keep in always in mind, no matter how hard and insecure our situation is, one day there will be a light in the tunnel, a light when all doors open together, full of hope and life.

A moment when we appreciate the world much better. Glaciers melt because of global heating – but they are still there and beautiful, a phenomena of giant ice.

Mountains are so energizing. Beautiful flowers and a terrific scenery. Deer are greeting us from a distance. A life full of beauty. Seas with various colours, warm days heating up our bodies and so much more…

Nature is and was always there but we are too busy, working, fighting or facing life.

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