by Odimegwu Onwumere
Published on: Aug 16, 2007
Type: Opinions

There is no amount of good that a man could do to his concubine’s child that the child would call him daddy. And the man could be trying all he can to please the child but for the fact that enmity is greatest at home, the child would not call him daddy.

The matter between Governor Celestine Ngozichim Omehia and the former Speaker, Rivers State House of Assembly, Hon. Chibuike Rotimi Amaechi is the subject of discussion here. The later has been on the altar of political calumnists being butchered with swords of words. It seems that nobody wants an explanation from him but only to tell him that he bit the immediate past governor of Rivers State, Dr. Peter Odili – the finger that fed him. But Amaechi’s political demagogues forgot the axiom: Let my son be greater than me. The prayer of every father.

The media is awash with stories of how Odili employed the former Speaker, after his graduation, six years later. Amaechi’s traducers have gone as far as telling us how he was studying abroad from home when he was Speaker. Again, they have told us how he ate in Odili’s house, licked the plate with the tongue. Inshort, they have told us how Amaechi was conceived, born and where his umblical cord was planted. But no one has told us how Amaechi on his own part helped Odili when he was governor.

Nigerians knew that virtually all the 36 states governors in Nigeria were shaken by their House of Assemblies except Rivers State. And who was the brain behind this stability? Amaechi.

Amaechi was respected among his colleagues that even when they plan evil against Odili at Amaechi’s back, none of them could summon the courage to say it in his presence. Amaechi was a beacon to the government of Rivers State under Odili. And Odili saw this and was always eating and washing hands with Amaechi, including his family members, outside the Bricks House.

If today, Amaechi is perceived to be a traitor, as many people have taken him to be, then who is the traitor’s mentor? Odili. Since Amaechi served him for years according to Amaechi’s ‘newspapers biographers’.

Amaechi’s political traducers labeled him a traitor just because he was stoic in the pursuit of his mandate that was brazenly taken away from him under the auspices of his master, Odili. Odili that meant well for Amaechi? Who could be beaten that would not cry!

We all knew that Amaechi won the Peoples Democratic Party’s (PDP) primary elections that was held in December 2006. And the question now is, since it was said that Odili meant well for Amaechi, at least by employing him, what has been Odili’s opinion on the game of ‘robbing Peter to pay Paul’ shown to Amaechi? Odili is in Abuja.

What was the help that Odili rendered to Amaechi that one cannot drink and rest the cup? Was Odili paying Amaechi’s salary more than he was paying other employees when Amaechi was in Pamo Clinic? Did somebody not help Odili? At least we all knew that one time Governor of Rivers State, Chief Rufus Ada George helped Odili in no little way when he was governor. But what happened to George when Odili became governor? That is a story for another day.

Well, what one expected from the political analysts, stakeholders, elders forums, the good people of Rivers State et al were not seen. They were supposed to work out a niche by all means necessary to see that the two bothers, Omehia and Amaechi are settled than casting venoms, vituperations and vilifications on one person, Amaechi. Even if they have tried to reconcile them and it did not work, they should continue to try. At least there could be people that Governor Celestine Ngozichim Omehia listens to, likewise Hon. Chibuike Rotimi Amaechi. We know that they are moguls, but at the home front, they could still be talked to, being first cousins.

When Omehia was recently proclaimed winner of the case with Amaechi by the Appeal Court, Omehia’s supporters in Nigeria, precisely in Port Harcourt, went wild, drank to stupor and caused a lot of social unrest. But the question is, if Omehia won the case, has he won the peace?

Even if Omehia may be pretending to be at peace, calling many Catholic Churches prayer groups and Pentecostals alike, we still believe that ‘blood is ticker than water’, except if now, water is ticker than blood.

Omehia should stop listening to the yes-men around him whose stock-in-trade is to create an avenue as bedbugs to the state’s treasury. Omehia should understand that if Amaechi had won in the Appeal Court, his today’s praise singers would, without bating an eye led, swam over to bearth their with Amaechi.

This was how it happened in Anambra State, when Governor Peter Obi went to court to claim his mandate that Andy Uba ‘forcefully’ took, Obi was called many names because Andy Uba was in power. The same people who called Obi names are now praise singers of him,saying that Obi is the best thing that ever happened to the people of Anambra State.

The human nature is dicey. Human beings set pace at the waking of the drum and stops at the slumber of the drum. By all means, Omehia and Amaechi should reconcile. They should know that the problem before them was caused by a group of people in the PDP who may have not wanted their mutual relationship to continue.

Where two elephants fought it is the grass that bears the brunt. Omehia and Amaechi should know how to find the object that fell inside the stream with the leg. Because, according to a poet, "Slavery unabolished is that of the heart".

Published Thursday, August 9, 2007, in The Sun, Nigeria.

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