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Youth Ahead! as a synonymous of change. Printable Version PRINTABLE VERSION
by Youths Ahead!, Cameroon Aug 10, 2007
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Youth Ahead! as a synonymous of change. From the thick fog that covers the world, a heavy and deafening noise makes the matted horizon tremble. From the dark and cold night which seems to immortalize the bloody meaningless, a strident scream tears the conniving silence of a society lulled by the hallelujah and the blab bla. From the scarlet sun that burns the spines going with the funeral corteges toward the immense nothingness, a whisper swells in the shadow. One doesn't hear it, but it advances, determined, toward a new dawn.

This murmur that whispers in the middle of the debris is an engagement against the unacceptable and the intolerable, which means the fight against human silliness. It is also an unshakable will that sloughs a neglected and ridiculed youth, wanting to raise and to let float on the heart of the men the standard of the renewal. This youth that one has ignored, and whose values remained ridiculed; this youth that one wants uneducated and without asset, capricious, irresponsible and mindless, is going to the change. Youth is, definitely and irreversibly, in movement.

Epochs followed revolutions, people gave life to civilizations; men came and passed, great or anonymous, the world has been overturned. Yet, the real lessons have not been drawn. The essential always marks time while the superficial imposes itself like a normal and moral value. It remains in this world rich in noble intentions, whole lands where the most souls with less resources agonize and die in the incredible indifference of a groggy humanity. There exist in this world, men, women and children who live the worst, whereas the majority is suffering from obesity.

The world is also suffering. This is not a scoop. This is a certainty that bores and tires. Reports, some more alarming than the others, are piled up on the shelf of the bureaucracy. Symposia and conferences break out the passions but the dramas still remain with the same intensify. Genocides bloom on fratricides, the words come up against the pains, and wills break adrift on the rough realities of the world. Henceforth, one waits for nothing from these international summits in the gloomy outskirts and dark suburbs where the present is a painful agony.

The time of the indigestible chitchat is past. It comes the time to rise, all together, in order to join the action to the ambition. The rumor inflates and makes less reassuring, “Youth Ahead!” is henceforth present. Between a society that becomes standardized and an intelligentsia that radicalizes itself, “Youth Ahead!” chooses its way: the one of the evolution in the diversity, union and respect in the difference, but also liberty in equality.

Every year, thousands of books are published, thousands of works are conceived, thousands of minds deliver original ideas, with these works being the subjective and passionate transcription of a violent world. But how many of these masterpieces touch consciences dived in the mist of the materialism? I would say very little!

The Art believed to be able to appease people in denouncing without acting ever directly on the pains. It erected itself in active or passive spectator of a society that regresses while hoping to blow to the ambient lethargy a new and revolutionary energy. The Art and these other things shouted but few people heard. This is why “Youth Ahead!” plural and universal, wants to be a less complaisant actor of the tragedy to which the society plays.

The remaining goal is to be shown through the art and all forms of intelligence, the barbarism of humanity. “Youth Ahead!” involves youth who wants to achieve something and to permit a change. It is a social responsibility to shout and to let them heard. To touch the heat of the problems directly in order to stop the hemorrhage, the outflow of liters of hemoglobin nourishing the deepest hates. “Youth Ahead!” a collection of young talents, started its long and perilous march toward a different future.

Nowadays, change is synonymous of continuity. Sometimes we are confronted to two main questions: why and how? To the first question, it would be convenient to answer that the goal of all change is the evolution, the progress, toward a state meeting the expectations of the majority; it is clearly the stage for a more satisfactory reality for all. Then to change means therefore to modify the status quo, out of date and worn-out. Change means to be able to allow each to benefit from a more important consideration and recognition. Change is an intrinsic requirement of man who aspires to a unit, egalitarian and interdependent ideal.

To change means to replace the worst by the acceptable. To the second question, we say that the means are multiple, as various as varied. From the denouncer protest to the silent march while passing by a claiming revolution, men always knew how to resort to the form that seemed able to require change. “Youth Ahead!” won't be satisfied therefore with stigmatizing the inequalities, intolerance, the exclusion and the social fatality, it intends to work by concrete actions to the difficult conditions of life in which an important number of human beings is scandalously maintained.

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