Published on: Aug 2, 2007
Type: Opinions

They say the Youth are the future leaders, but the question is to what extent does the media create the platform to promote Youth Issues across the globe?
From their Ghanaian perspective, I think our Ghanaian media have totally ignore issues that borders on Youth and seems to be so glue to Politics, Economy and Entertainment.
For the past three years as a Youth Development Worker, I have tried so hard to publish several features or articles on Youth but to no avail, an exampls includes, the national youth policy, youth and enterprise, Youth as agents of change and others but all are put aside and replace with political propangada stories. Sometimes they justify it by saying, it is the descretion of the editor.
From all indications , it seems the Ghanaian media is more focus on publishing stories that can sell and therefore thinks that, stories that borders on youth are not attractive enough for publications. They are much more interested in making money, rather than fulfilling their constitutional mandate, which allows them to inform, educate and entertain.
In recent times, I was asked to coordinate and invite the media to a press conference in Ghana, to deliberate on challenges that affect young people and some possible solutions, after a week notification, most of the media houses especially the private media refused to attend and when we asked why, the reply was we have other important assignment.

Sometimes, if they attend youth programmes the stories are not given a lime light but push at a quater size corner of the paper, where it will be difficult to see and read. With the electronic media, its even worse.

I can gurantee you that in Ghana, about 80% of the media will prefer to give pubilicity to some Rap talent show or Comedies, rather than real and critical issues that affect the future leaders of the nation.
This practice has been going on for so long and I think is time, the media give every person or organisation equal coverage irrespective of their editorial policy.

If you look at the western media, the same issue crops up, 70% of stories deserminated are not Youth oriented, the question is why.

Its time the media recognise that, the youth need them to voice out their grievances and therefore should also allocate some platform for us to express ourselves.

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