The unexpected looks familiar
But it is the stranger in our imagination
We create the picture of our expectations
Never allowing our anxiety to cut short our vision
Expecting to see miracles happen for us
Our lives trapped to believe we are moving ahead
Our beliefs translating into acts for us
We delved into the realm of the unlimited
Lives have to be touched for impact
We acquire wealth for experiences from the supernatural
Our levels have changed for the better in our fast lane
Let the children of the world rejoice
Let the cars move with abundant waters
We expect much and get much from our expectation
In a world, that rewards hard work
Miracles saw honesty and reward natural feelings
It is a new deal with faith in our season
Proclaimed a people free with words of millionaires
Accepting same means a difference established
While expecting, the unexpected happened!
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Henry Ekwuruke
Henry Ekwuruke is Executive Director of the Development Generation Africa International.
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