by Henry Ekwuruke
Published on: Aug 1, 2007
Type: Poetry

Install a shining light in our presence
At the end of the dark tunnel
Open up the virtually closed doors
Landscapes for prosperity in posterity

A legacy that was poignantly messy
Nurtured with political dexterity around the corners
But we hardly go to the wars
Since we are in need of durable edifice of peace

A people green and white with pride
Optimists looking for the windows of joy
The stony faces of laughter joined with pain
Cultured to respect the gods

Reaching for peace in the land of uncommon
Betrayed in the hopeful ‘pledge’
Internal sabotage linked external attack
Undoubtedly the heart of Africa

Guided by misconceptions of a sad event
The hands of perpetrators are strengthened to act
Their impunity reinforced in minority
As hopes dashed in the light of the betrayal in darkness!

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