by World Bank North American Affairs, |
Jul 20, 2007 |
The structure and the activities of the national chapters of the YDP network depend on the priorities of youth organizations in that particular country. In Japan, YDP members focus on advocacy and building capacity of youth organizations. In African and Latin American chapters, YDP members participate in the development process, having a seat at the table during CAS and PRSP consultations, commenting on policies and projects that impact youth. The YDP Secretariat is hosted in the World Bank Paris office.
A YDP Network in North America?
Though youth participate in YDP through chapters across the globe, a North American “edition” is yet to be established. During the North American Open House, presentations from global YDP members proved to be a turning point of the event, with participants considering this model as a potential way to sustain their own engagement with the Bank.
The final task set before the YOH! participants was to determine the steps to be taken following the end of the conference. The conference concluded with delegates choosing to rely on electronic communicationto continue the dialogue already begun, and to include peers unable to attend.
All Bank staff interested in youth engagement, particularly in North America, are encouraged to join the conversation. A more structured online consultation will follow later this summer.
Post-conference evaluations overwhelmingly judged the event to be a success, listing quality of participants, depth of interaction, and relationships created as the main factors. Participants found value not only in interacting with the Bank on issues of youth engagement, but more importantly, in connecting with each other and the broader global youth community. Delegates expressed hope that the YOH! could become an annual event.
For more information about the North American Affairs team, please visit www.worldbank.org/canada and www.worldbank.org/usa.
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