by Joshua
Published on: Jun 17, 2003

The You In You - Joshua Awesome

As a young professional with a background in Public Relations and Media, life has opened me up to various jobs at different times in my life, until recently when I discovered myself. The fact which is key - until you discover yourself and who your are, you can never truly live a life of purpose.

Living life is best from an elevated position, if you will - perspective; where your thoughts are different from the thinking that’s obtainable around the globe. As the saying goes 'many look but few see'.

Now, personally and if you care to hear “professionally speaking as a personal development coach” it’s impossible for you to see what you were not wired to experience. It’s like the key to a door (which no one can gain access to without the right key that opens the door). Millions of eyes look daily at all types of objects, things, people, places but very few pairs amongst those eyes see towards results daily.

A typical example is the technology of flight (law of aerodynamics) that brought to reality the airplane; millions of eyes look daily into the clouds - in the air but only the “Wright brothers” saw the airplane which became a success about seventy six years ago in 1925.

My point, “you are unique” and that’s why you are you - different in shape, desires, thought pattern, taste bud and temperament. All these makes for the You within you that makes You the you, you are.

It’s no wonder your configuration and d.n.a coding will account for your uniqueness - no matter how odd people may think you are. Funny enough it’s the only reason why fulfillment will never become real for you until you expose the real one - You, trapped within you.

First is to accept that there’s a You in you, that’s making you love the things you love and (even if they are currently negatives - there’s a positive angle to it that’s yet to be accessed). Really the mistakes you’ve made don’t matter. In fact the truth is that you cannot maximize your mental ability plus your potentials without mistakes and as “Henry Ford affirms they aid our success”.

Talking about mistakes, they grow us and reveal the real you in you - glow! I believe “your growth brings to life your glow” mind you though, the only way in which mistakes can make you developed, is if you learn from them and don’t make a habit of going back to them. Next, forget about the mistakes of the past and move into purpose - expressing the real you trapped within.

Did someone say, “how can one release or realize the You trapped inside of you?” You ask. Let’s roll out the prescription, some action capsules you need to take;

One, sit down and list 5 key things you love doing, beginning from the one that’s prime on your mind; two, honestly answer this question: “If I had a million dollars, would i be doing what am focused on now? And would I still enjoy it? If your answer is ‘Yes’, congrats. You have found yourself.

However if your answer is ‘No’, then locate your pathway. Sincerely pick the first two things you love doing (listed in your list of five things). Those I call your pathway to your dream. Everyone has a pathway that will lead them to their highway (the future of one’s life). The pathway is pregnant with the seed that will provide and lead to the networks (people and resources) you need to connect You to your life call -future purpose.

Now, everyone all over the globe has something to offer, and by discovering or locating yours is simply living a fulfilled life.

Finally, take action. “Bullets are built in casings that are not as big as their proposed target, though they usually outshine their targets no matter how large”. You will understand when you get there, all you need do is move. According to Martin Luther; “the time is always right to do what is right”. If you locate your pathway, and are not doing anything about it, then you cannot access your place at the top - place of purpose, where you belong with successful successes. The time to take action is NOW, because one of the major tools that God Almighty gave to us on earth is time, and you can only trade your time to get what you will ever desire to get.

Move this hour and choose to join the team of purposed driven personalities who give their world what they came with, to the world. Desire and decide to leave a footprint on the sands of time, by contributing your own quota to the world and it’s inhabitants.

It’s my personal longing that we’ll meet at the top soon, since the ground floor is overcrowded. Today is here even though it’s the tomorrow you laid emphasis on yesterday. Make the move now for the You in you is longing to be released.

"Joshua Awesome is a public and motivational speaker
who's also Chief Executive of Awesome Associates,a
Business communications and Peak performance
Consulting firm in Lagos,Nigeria.
He speaks to organisations on personal development and
tailor makes trainings for individuals and
corporations starting always with the You in You".

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