by erick ochieng otieno | |
Published on: Jun 20, 2007 | |
Topic: | |
Type: Poetry | | | |
A cruel world it is Or is it not A better world it is Or is it not People laugh People cry People get excited People are people Others have all they yearn for Others search for it Others have to sacrifice all Others still, robe from others What is it Where do we find it What does one have to do To get peace As many flee Others thump their chest For cries of victory Others get happy They have achieved The greatest victory Of war But what have we gained What have we seen We have seen suffering Immense suffering Our children starve As we run for our lives We live a life Of hopelessness It is true that we get Almost everything we need We get food We get schools We get all that matters We are happy that we are given the opportunity like others We are happy Happy We can contribute To the development Of the world It is however Our wish To do the same to our areas To our countries But what we ask Do these things Substitute for peace It is everybody’s right To live in peace When I see Dafur I see my self When I see Iraq I see myself When I see Palestine I see myself When I see Lebanon I see myself When will I stop Being everywhere When will things be Just the way they ought to be I really appreciate What is done to me By the well-wishers By those sacrificing But really Do I have to be Where I am Every now and then What I keep on asking Why don’t we have The solution to my problems Why don’t we strive To get to the root Of all these problems Why am I saying all this Today I am here Tomorrow I will be no more But my daughter will be here Tomorrow she will be no more And tomorrow my son will be here And tomorrow he will be no more The only good thing Is for a lasting solution To be found for my plight Whoever said Never treat the symptom Treat the root cause Really knew About the day That I will be a refugee The saying goes When you cut a tree by the stem It shall grow its shoot again But if you uproot it It shall never grow The final clarification Stop the wars Stop the hunger Stop the exploitation of the week Stop! Stop! Stop! And let us make our world A better place That way, we will never have To live as refugee Help us Stop the refugee increase You and I Can do it « return. |