by Michael Cartier
Published on: May 28, 2003
Type: Opinions

The Value of TakingItGlobal (TIG)
By Michael Cartier

As CEO of the World Youth Organization (WYO), I am actively involved in creating second-track diplomatic channels for communities (and ultimately nations) in conflict. I am establishing direct contacts with world leaders and other heads of state. TakingItGlobal (TIG) has provided WYO with an additional resource of 15,000+ international youth members. It has enabled me to test ideas and recruit members from a well educated, active group of young people. I thank TIG for their wonderful support and incredible website.

TakingItGlobal (TIG) allows participants to view world issues from a global perspective. Topics are debated, and opinions evaluated, based upon their own merits, and not on some preconceived notion, or upon a person’s background. In expressing opinions, we must consider all options, which means that we must continually think and re-evaluate our position, as we explain it to others.

Cultural, religious, and geographical differences become less important during the debate, which trains a new generation of global citizens, on skills of negotiation and compromise as a means of achieving peace. These skills are vital to the survival of the human race, which has now entered a new era of instant everything. Instant communication, instant entertainment, and instant acquisition of goods and services; are a wonderful and necessary component of an educated world ‘on-the-move’, however, it can also bring us instant war and destruction; robbing us of the precious time necessary, to consider other alternatives. This instant gratification can also become a burden. Some things should take more time; some things require more thought; some things should be harder to achieve, because the consequences of our actions are so much greater. The protection of the environment and human life does not always have an instant solution. If we allow ourselves the extra time necessary for a positive solution, we may begin to appreciate the work involved in achieving those results. It is through this process, that we can begin to create new avenues of peace.

TIG also provides members an opportunity to connect with international youth, on a daily basis, if desired; thus developing bonds of understanding; that will establish a sense of respect for all members of this global community. That respect allows us to appreciate our differences and not a fear of them, which is the first step in creating an environment where peace can grow.

Plus, TIG is a lot of fun!

May 2003

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