by denia isetianti
Published on: May 4, 2007
Type: Opinions

The Development of technology that has grown so rapidly recently has required us to always be updated all the time. The governing president of Indonesia in 2001, Mr. Abdurahman Wahid, issued Presidential Decree No. 6/2001 in regards to Telematic. The decree stated that Indonesian government should start the development of governance using telematic technology (e-government) in order to support good governance principle. The purpose of this program is to build a clear and transparent government that is able to respond to necessary changes effectively. This would develop a new dimension in the organization, management system and process, and soon applying the transformation process towards e-government. The e-government system also motivates people to learn more about Internet and hopefully increasing the effectiveness of public services by the government for the society.

First, we need to understand the difference between the terms of e-government and e-governance. E-governance is the principle base of governance; it contains an abstract basic concept of good governance using telematic technology. Furthermore, e-government constitutes as the realization in concrete form; it includes the system such as online administration, government website etc .

Currently, in 2006. the government has already developed respective amounts of government’s website, such as:
•Ministry of National Education –
•Ministry of Internal Affairs –
•Ministry of Politics and National Security Coordinator –

Non-departemen government category:
•Central Bank of Indonesia –
•Coordinator of National Survey and Mapping Body –
•National Search and Rescue (SAR) Body –

Other relevant bodies:
•Capital Market Watch Body –
•Energy Information Center, Energy and Natural Resources Department –

Furthermore, many other local governments have also developed their own local government’s websites, such as:
Main district / city category:
•Tarakan –
•Kutai Timur –
•Denpasar –

Province category:
•Yogyakarta –
•Kalimantan Timur –
•Sulawesi Utara –

Those websites contain tremendous amounts of information which are very useful for the people and college student such as myself to inquire information about certain issue in relation to the center or local government e.g. , this website belongs to the district of Muaro Jambi, one of the ten district in Jambi Province. It contains features such as the introduction of Muaro Jambi, Governor’s profile, calendar events, government’s program, tourism object, also the information related to the approval system and public services.

In addition, on its’ 3rd anniversary, the Constitutional Court of Indonesia launched their new mechanism system of Online Registration for Material Examination Request through the website. We can apply our Material Examination Request by downloading the application form from the website , we complete the application form with our identity and the Examined inquiries then submit it online. Then, we should wait to be called upon trial at the Constitutional Court, by conveying the receipt printed from the Constitutional Court website .

Another development also came from the local government of Depok Province. They have a program to implement an online identification card on the year 2007. By then, the people of Depok will have a registered number that is valid all over Indonesia that could be accessed from the center stage of the local stage. Later, every sub-district would constitute as the data bank of citizenship .

The banking and tax sector are also developing the online system, these days, we can pay our tax dues using the ATM (Automatic Teller Machine). The Minister of Finance has improved this system by cooperating with banks and Directorate General of Tax, therefore, in the future we can pay our tax using the internet from out own comfortable home without having to wait in line at the tax office .

Despite that the local and regional government has tried to support this e-government system, they still have to deal the challenges on developing this e-government program. The fact shows there are 14,8 millions Indonesia people who are illiterate and uneducated . Some other people who live in the rural area are still having problem with electricity. They can not even get to the internet access since there’s no electricity facility available full time in their area. Another problem is the financial issue. For example, Ministry of Communication and Information projected an investment illustration to build e-government solution in some places; it includes 1 unit server computer, 5 client computers, and 6 months human resources training estimated at Rp. 300 million (approximately US$ 35.000)

The achievements of e-government application for all level of communities in Indonesia are still far to meet the expected target. However, the current progress is quite satisfying. Next, the government, district government in particular, should actively campaign the socialization of e-government using the Internet access in daily basis. Last but not least, E-government should be supported by an advance infrastructure development.

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