by Chi Hoang
Published on: Apr 28, 2007
Type: Opinions

I was at a local market one day, and I accidentally saw a man stealing some eggs from an eggs store, the seller was too busy selling around so she might not recognize it! And no one told her that there was someone stole her eggs! Even me!

One morning, I read on an old magazine this quote: when good people do nothing bad things happen! And I think again of what I saw that day few years ago!

It's true that there are so many bad things happen in everyday in this world, but they don't just happen by themselves! Because there is no one stops it or even try to stop it! Today's world is too dangerous! That's why most people keep themselves' in a perfect protection that no one can hurt them. In other words, most of people see other people's problems are none of their business! There is no reason they have to help someone they don't know and sometime put themselves' in danger!

There is no quote or reasons, at least in my mind now to tell people how important it is to help others! In this world everyone's living in, help people next to you without counting on it is help your own living place, isn't that important? Isn't that important the feeling of helping someone's life or even change it forever! Everyone wants to be hero, but can't saving the whole planet from the attack of the aliens or can't be able to stop the global warming increase crazily by just a look doesn't mean that you can't be a hero! Because hero is someone that gives his/ her hands to people unconditionally when they need a help! Think if you were the egg seller, would you love to have someone please just show up and tell you that your eggs were being stolen?

So think about that, because bad things happen every minute in this world and you might be a good person to yourself but let's make that GOOD word become something more real, to yourself and to this world living. Because: When good people do nothing bad things happen!

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