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Progressive documentary Printable Version PRINTABLE VERSION
by unxposed, United Kingdom Apr 16, 2007
Media , Technology   Opinions


Progressive documentary One

The content and structure of the documentary is of foremost importance. There should be strong and definitive rationale, content and conclusion; much like an essay. The documentary should have aims that are systematically tackled during the body of the film, by the end the aims should have been solved or revised, and a conclusion drawn. The documentary can be seen as a factual visual essay.


All information used must be from a knowledgeable source on the subject, and where possible backed up by facts and figures. The extensive use of credible facts and figures is heavily encouraged.


Information must not be distorted to heighten certain ideologies or ideas; particularly in a case that will result in personal gain for the director, whether financially, ideologically or in any other way.


The documentary should be made with great regard to aesthetics. The director must aim for the viewer to be encapsulated by the films beauty alone. Successful film techniques, composition and post production should be used to visually attract and retain the viewer. Lessons in mass communication should be learned from popular culture and employed accordingly.


Invigorating shot composition and cinematography are essential; drawing inspiration from art house and independent cinema. The documentary should be seen as a beautiful photograph, twenty four times a second. Attention to detail is a necessity. Cinematography and post production should be used to heighten the cinematic experience of the documentary, increasing the aesthetic impact.


The techniques Hollywood and high budget films use to keep viewers interest and visual admiration should be employed. High saturation and beautiful colours, smooth camerawork, immaculate composition, short memes, numerous camera angles etc.


Whilst addressing some very negative issues, all work must end positive and inspire hope and enthusiasm for change. The viewer's should leave inspired, feeling confident that they can help in some way.


Sponsorship and funding that will encourage explicit or self censorship at any level, or will in any way influence the final outcome of a work is totally prohibited.


Unnecessary shots of the film maker's should not be used. It is generally accepted that a good documentary keeps the filmmaker off camera unless they are more interesting than the subject being filmed.


We do, however, live in a culture of celebrity and the self promotion of the film maker could be used to create a celebrity status, therefore fighting pop culture with its own weaponry. The greater name the film maker's can make for themselves within pop culture the greater their documentaries audience is likely to be. Ardent publicity is a necessity for this and relentless self promotion vital.



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