In the world of AIDS
Speaking out is the key
No progress if no one to do so
Unpleasant facts we must face
We stand a chance to make history
Or failure yet unmatched
Death to our brothers and sisters through our inaction
We, whose mouths are shut
In our ruthless world of shut up!
Stand up and let's sit you down
Believe me we have a common
But differenciated responsibility to deliever
There isn't an Us and a Them
One people; one identity
One gender; one humanity
Our life begins our progress
Inside a precious world built on knowledge
Left out to die of a disease
Where silence equals death
Let's talk to stay alive for today is promising
Tomorrow is beautiful and hopeful!
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Writer Profile
Henry Ekwuruke
Henry Ekwuruke is Executive Director of the Development Generation Africa International.
Silence is Death Henry Ekwuruke | Apr 12th, 2007
This peom express the power of voice to the fight against AIDS and suggest that speak out is greater than silence and it in the light of the above that the future we hope to inherit would become more brighter and beautiful. If we could speak a little out today!
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