by Abayomi Rotimi Mighty
Published on: Mar 15, 2007
Type: Poetry

Came in like a strong whirl Wind
My mother ran in and forgot her slippers
That's how many run from you
Funny enough.. most don't even know you

Your packaging is so strong HIV
Please be my uncle's Promoter
He wants to be a boxer
So his opponents would be defeated before the fight

You're less than thirty years..
Yet young and old live with fears
Many of them you have put into tears
Living the children with uncertain future

You're so cruel HIV, heartless like a tiny cobra
You're so naked and shameless
That's why you feed on the Human strength
Playing politics of power in the White Blood Cells

Your noise was heard; many are scared
But I see not the noise of you HIV
I see the truth about you homeless nonentity
You live in my sisters for survival

She only need to know the fact about you
That you are only a parasite with noise
That your elder brother AIDS can't come..
If you're checked by Living Positively...

Wake well, think right, eat well and Live Right
With that you'll be insignificant and frustrated
You've put the world into serious workings
Indeed you'll die of Hypertension HIV......

One wish I have for you and It would happen
You and your elder brother AIDS will be gone soon
My siblings carrying you are loved and Cherished
HIV/AIDS, You'll go down before your 30th Birthday

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