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Rainforests and Their Importance Printable Version PRINTABLE VERSION
by Let's Roll, Canada Apr 2, 2003
Environment   Opinions


Pollution will start to increase as a result of the loss of rainforests. We can not get medicines to cure people because there will be no trees that give us medicine. Paper will start to decrease because there are no trees left. If you recycle the paper again and again in the future, it is not going to be here after a few years. We will run out of furniture because there will be no wood. In the water the plants will die. So, the fishes will not get any pure water or fresh air to breathe. This can cause fishes to die.

Selective cutting is not good for the rainforest because 5% of the rainforest is cut down at a time. If 5% of the rainforest is cut down, then the rainforest will disappear soon. The price of this selective cutting is high. It is also not good because in one spot, they cut the trees. So, if they cut in one spot, the animals in that spot will lose home. So, this is why it is not good.

Clear cutting is also not good because it can be most harmful. It is also not good because the trees that human�s plants are not natural. It can destroy the biodiversity of the forest. This wood you buy for clear cutting is the cheapest of all the cuttings in the rainforest.

Deforestation can cause lots of the above problems. Our world will be polluted if this happens. It is in danger. That�s why we have to save our rainforest.

Some people are kind to the rainforest. They create websites to show how to save the disappearance of the rainforests. We can preserve the rainforest or stop to destroy the rainforests in many ways, for example, plant more trees. We can plant more trees so that we can restore them.
We shouldn�t pollute the rainforest. If we go there to discover new species, we eat there and stay for a few days. After they are done, they throw their food on the forest floor. They don�t care about that, especially in rivers or lakes because they easily pollute them. We cannot take liquid out of a lake or river. So we have to be careful and wise. Instead of using selective cutting and clear cutting, shelterwood cutting should be done more because when you use shelterwood cutting, small patches of trees can restore them selves. It is kind of harmful to the environment, but it only gets 50% damaged. It is also good because the trees are cut in different spots and the trees restore themselves.

Another way we can save the rainforest is by not disturbing the wildlife. Animals get frightened when people come to the environment. They think that people have come there to kill them and they start running away. We shouldn�t kill them or they will become endangered or even extinct. Let them stay in peace!

We should only go there to discover new species that have been not discovered yet and the observing the rainforest. If we do this, it threatens the animals, but you are not killing them. We can even build some homes on trees for the animals, so that the animals can start a whole new life. Just keep them in peace. The houses will really help the animals to stay out of trouble, but only, if we don�t cut down trees. So, it is a good way of saving it.

Buying less furniture is how we can preserve the rainforest. If we buy more furniture then the destruction of the rainforest will increase and if we buy less furniture then the destruction of the rainforest will decrease. So, buying less furniture is a good way of protect our rainforest. This is a good way of saving it too.

Recycling is also important to the rainforest too. How is it important? Well, paper comes from trees and if we don�t recycle paper that means we are wasting trees and plus we are destroying it. So, if you see any recycle bin of cans or paper, then recycle the pop cans and paper. We can even do this at home. This is how we can save it. If we do this, then the destruction of the rainforest will start to decrease.

We can create lots of websites about what�s happening to the rainforest and how we can save our rainforest. People will check out the websites and they will think about what are we doing to the rainforests? It has been destroyed and then they will start to plant trees. So make a lot of suggestions to put in the websites.

Rainforest is a very peaceful place for animals. There are 4 main places it is located. They are America, Asia, Africa, and Australia. The trees give us oxygen, food and medicine. Now people are bringing disaster to the rainforest. They are cut down for wood and furniture. If the rainforest is gone then, there will be no medicine, no fresh air and no animals. So we have to find a way to preserve the rainforest.

This is how we can save it. But we can�t because people are bringing more and more disaster to the rainforest, even if we try this. Hunters hunting animals can cause the animals to be endangered or extinct. Pollution has also increased. So please try to save our rainforests. It means a lot to the earth and especially to the animals.

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Let's Roll

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Pierre Andipatin | Oct 23rd, 2003
Hi the pooja, great article...would you be interested in finding out more about the United Nations Forum on Forests...We would ove to share with you! Pierre Andipatin Youth/Children Major Group UNFF

Alice | Nov 4th, 2003
I've always been an animal and nature lover, and the way that humans destroy such an important piece of the world disgusts me. It's hard to think how humans can become so selfish when it comes to the environment. But it's true, some people do really care, but there's not something that they can do to really stop this. Or, its not such a big issue to them because they might think that they live so far away from a rainforest that it may hardly affect them. But this issue will probably affect people, and if not now, in the future. There may be different cures for diseases, new spieces of plants and animals, and other mysteries to be found. But everything will be lost forever if careless people keep neglecting it. The rainforests are like giant jigsaw puzzle pieces, and without them, the Earth would be missing something. It would be missing something important, something beautiful, and something that will be in our thoughts forever.

vishu sibal | Nov 6th, 2003
I have always had a hting for animals, especially the tiger and the wolf. Go to...http://extinctanimal.com for an amazing list of endangered animals and extinct ones too. The reason animals become endangered is because of us humans. We like to cut down forests and build structures for our pleasure, never thinking twice about who and what this may be affecting. There is only one way to stop this and that is to stop cutting down forests mindlessly, plant seeds where you can and hope they don't get cut down in the future to come. The planet we live on it gets its green from the plants, the trees, and everything natural. If we get rid of it then we are no better than space aliens form mars who are trying to take over my body at night, but that is another story.Why should we cut down things that came before we did and ruin the homes of animals that have had ancestors from the beggining of time for oursleves? Can anyone answer this question?

Katherine | Nov 6th, 2003
I think that helping to preserve the rainforests is a great idea. I also agree that we should use our resources more wisely. Clear cutting is the dumbest thing people can do. What are we going to do once all the trees are gone? Will we just wait until we run out of breathable air? The people in power need to open their eyes and see that our trees won't be around forever. The problem is that they don't really care, and unless the topic helps them stay in power, they won't ever care until it's too late. I'm not saying that it's bad to use wood. I'm just saying that when we cut down trees, we should only cut down some of them. As was said in the article, we can do our part in saving the enviroment by recycling paper and pop cans etc. Trees don't replenish themselves very quickly so we have to be careful with what we do to our environment.

Katherine | Nov 6th, 2003
I think that helping to preserve the rainforests is a great idea. I also agree that we should use our resources more wisely. Clear cutting is the dumbest thing people can do. What are we going to do once all the trees are gone? Will we just wait until we run out of breathable air? The people in power need to open their eyes and see that our trees won't be around forever. The problem is that they don't really care, and unless the topic helps them stay in power, they won't ever care until it's too late. I'm not saying that it's bad to use wood. I'm just saying that when we cut down trees, we should only cut down some of them. As was said in the article, we can do our part in saving the enviroment by recycling paper and pop cans etc. Trees don't replenish themselves very quickly so we have to be careful with what we do to our environment.

Robert Dart | Aug 3rd, 2009
Hey great article. In Australia there is an environmental organisation actually buying back land that is currently for sale in the Daintree Rainforest and is declaring each property a nature refuge! They are called Rainforest Rescue, have Environmentalist David Suzuki as a patron and have brought 12 properties to date which are now legally protected from development forever. This organisation has links to similar rainforest groups in Indonesia, Eduador and Sri Lanka as well as in other parts of Australia. Congratulations on a great article.

SEAN | May 23rd, 2010
aliens are trying to destroy the north pole with polution

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