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When The State Is In Bankruptcy, The Nation Is In Danger. Printable Version PRINTABLE VERSION
by MARCKENSON, Canada Mar 2, 2007
Human Rights , Peace & Conflict , Globalization   Opinions


age.  To finance the University and the service research and development. (R & D).  To protect the environment and the inheritance in general.  To renumber our eroded mountains (reafforestation). To protect and arrange our basins slopes.  To ensure the protection of the terrestrial and maritime borders, and the airspace.  To found a judicial, qualified and impartial power.  To ensure the safety of the lives and the goods through an auxiliary police force of justice and a police force.  To effectively collect the taxation and the taxes of all the territory.  To exempt care of primary health and to ensure the adequate operation of the public hospitals.  To fight against major endémies: Malaria, Tuberculosis, AIDS etc  To equip the country with the basic infrastructures essential to any economic development: Roads, Electricity, Telecommunications, current Water conveyance, Port, Airport.  To apply a policy of conservation of water. Giant cistern, water towers, lake collinaires, storage dam on all the rivers and river.  To regularly clean the rivers and irrigation the canals of the arable lands.  To build new cities and new villages in places or suitable sites in the various departments in order to counter the inopportune bidonvilisation of our existing cities, and also to gather the rural populations and to facilitate their provisioning of basic essential services: electricity, running water, telephone, schools, hospitals, markets public, churches, center of leisures, stages of plays etc  To apply an effective and effective policy of family planning.  To set up all the institutions envisaged by the Constitution.  To build decent prisons in all the departments and of the prisons with maximum safety for the dangerous gangsters.  To set up an effective system of collection, domestic waste collecting and processing.  etc etc etc the list being far from being exhaustive. Who already thought of financially quantifying the exact cost of all these missions entrusted to the State to realize and to include/understand, that with such an annual budget of 800 million dollars, one is very, very far from the account: Even if this budget is well spent except for the centime, the good results are not with go. The Haitian State does not have financial means to fulfill the various kingly missions which are entrusted to him by the constitution and the laws of the republic. It is in bankruptcy. “Haiti has failed state”. It is décapitalisé. For his greater misfortune, the Haitian people entrust the solution of all his collective problems in a “decapitalized” State, a State in bankruptcy. Unfortunately also, all our leaders, and this since decades, instead of colleter with the difficulties in finding the solution with the bankruptcy of the State, always chose the easy way, without effort, of the international co-operation; a co-operation which is connected with the begging: Humanitarian aid, budgetary support with more than 50%, of the unimportant loans and the ridiculous gifts vis-a-vis our enormous needs and very recently, Tally of temporary co-operation (CCI). A co-operation which, obviously, does nothing but maintain Haiti in a permanent state of assisted country and degrading dependence. Haiti does not die but never manages to leave the hospital and to fly of its own wings. It is dedicated to a long anguish, cruel and inhuman. Worse still, under such a mode of bilateral and multilateral assistance, Haiti finds itself at the thank you of too many completely irresponsible “partners” and not having any obligation of results: “Kabrit ki gen tròp mèt mouri nan kòd”. One wonders, with reason, how and why people, formerly so proud, can it agree without reserve to even take pleasure to live assistantship (kwi nan men) and to prevail itself at the same time of any sovereignty. Utopias!!! Dreams!!! One also wonders, why our policies and our leaders, with some exceptions, always neglected the economic dimension of the development of the country to concentrate only on its social and political dimension, where, obviously, it is very easy to make demagogy. Ah! The chestnuts which we are!!! Why this eagerness maintain in life companies in bankruptcy like the ED' H and Teleco. When the State is in bankruptcy, the Nation is in danger. Its chances of survival are very mean. Caveat!!! Indeed, When the state is in bankruptcy, the nation is on the way to be phagocytée by another “close” state thus to disappear or to see themselves putting under supervision of UNO. Catastrophe!!! Unless being directed by a wild and sanguinary dictator. A State in bankruptcy slows down the development of the Nation and makes impossible the restoration of the authority of the State. The great question which one must thus put today: Which solution for a State in bankruptcy? Or what does one make with a State in bankruptcy? And Which has interest so that this bankruptcy persists and perdure?


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Writer Profile

I am a positive young man and especially an optimist who believes in the human resources, I am very interest in all that milked with development and epanouissement of young people. I am the secretary-general in the organization that I am in: BBFK (Breaking bread for kids) the purpose of who is principal to help the children in vulnerable condition.

Joseph Marckenson from HAITI

It is really Sad!!!
Bhuwan K.C. | Mar 7th, 2007
It is really sad to listen such a critical situation of Haiti. Since my country has just come out of conflict I hope nothing like this doesn't happen over here. I have nothing except sympathy and words of hope for people of Haiti. Bhuwan

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