by erick ochieng otieno
Published on: Feb 27, 2007
Type: Opinions

Year in year out, the world celebrates the World Water day. Conferences, workshops, seminars are held every now and then to discuss the issue of this special commodity, “WATER”, papers are published and scientist are awarded prizes for coming up with special publications of this special commodity, “WATER”, yet, despite all these successes, some still don’t have the chance to enjoy the benefits of these maneuvers. I am talking of that mother who lives in the most remote parts of our world. The poor men, who can not access, clean drinking water.

In the developing countries, in most cases, a lot need to be done when it comes to ensuring that everybody has access to clean and safe drinking water. It is a pity that as we move closer to the deadline set for the achievement of the millennium Development Goals, many still have to depend on river water which are clearly unfit for human consumptions.

This is so because they don’t have another source of water that is reliable. Looking at these rural residents, one wanders what the government and all others in charge are doing to change the situation. Prevention of pollution of the rivers does not help matters either and the users are the ones who end up suffering. For instance, a close look at the Njoro community, it is evident that they depend on the River Njoro for their water needs. This water source, however, has been interfered with right from the source which is at the Mau Forest catchments.

A call for the government to do something on the issue of settlement has born no fruit at all. It is quite difficult for any one who wants to do something about it especially the youth if they don’t get enough support from all the stakeholders.

It is clear that if we want to improve on the water quality in this river, then we have to start by ensuring that the source is secure. If we can prevent pollution from the upper regions, then we may be making at least a step in the right direction. Educating the locals on the benefits of protecting their rivers as their source of water is also imperative. Their should, hence, be a concerted efforts to set up outreach programs that will not only get to the remote parts of the country but also be able to get the message across for the survival of those without tapped water.

Pilot programs should also be [put in place to ensure that tapped water reaches everyone this should be done in such a way that politics is not brought. It has been evident in the past that the world over, people use natural resources such as water for political tools. During election periods, you will see most governments speeding up the issue of reaching to the person at the grassroots by providing them with short term promises of tapped water. What is required is a long term solutions to the water crisis to avert outbreaks of diseases.

This leads to formulation of policies and guidelines by international communities that have proper legislation on how they are to be implemented with punitive measures to the responsible governments that do not follow them. This, however, should not be the end of the game. Support for many youths who are willing to give in their time to engage in activities geared towards securing our water towers should also be in place. It is usually very disheartening for most youths who have offered their time to conserve the water towers by dedicating their time on tree planting vents only to find out that they can not do so because they don’t have tree seedlings and the sites to plant the trees.

Agencies that deal with offering assistance for the youth groups who are interested to plant trees any time are mostly required to give them a chance to realize their dream. Such agencies should do away with numerous protocols which hinders speedy implementation of these youth goals.

If such actions are taken and implemented, it is my belief that a situation where we cannot have clean water even if it is from a river will be averted. This will ensure that even as we struggle to have tapped water transverse every corner of the country, those who do not have access yet are not endangered. The governments therefore should see ways to rearrange their priorities when it comes to national budgeting and give precedence to “WATER: Availability and Affordability for ALL” slogan by according reasonable budget towards water sector.

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