by Awa Innocent Ndah | |
Published on: Feb 24, 2007 | |
Topic: | |
Type: Poetry | | | |
In the mist of nowhere You regrettably stand at akimbo Drowning your pain in your tears And your dreams with fears. Filled with words of inspiration, Chocking with the bitterness of your experiences, You look so indecisive To take the next step because you might regret it, Doubtful to sit because you might never get up And suffocating with dreadful images Because you are scared to look back At a past you might not recognize. You cannot say how far you have come Or whether you will continue the race Of an unknown destination. What did they promise you this time? What has become of your dreams for us? Unchain yourself for us to better face tomorrow, Their tomorrow with new stratagems. Let me use our words to sing, Your history to teach, Your experiences to create nightmares And your ink to stain and paint your Mona Lisa. « return. |