Your indomitable spirit will always be with me.
For as you continue to fight for life,
I will continue to fight with thee,
day or night.
For at times,
You felt like a big fat zero.
With everything to lose,
but you kept up the fight
and became a person
I call my hero.
Even for the times
you didn't want to be criticized,
judged and analyzed.
You kept your head up
without losing a part of you,
not even for truths of compromise.
So you're a victim with the courage to live.
Always facing setbacks,
facts and comebacks
God will always continue to give.
So this poem is in honor of you,
continue to keep on the fight.
Because God will always have a cure
and the answer.
For you are his special child
who has been diagnosed with
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Writer Profile
Tiffany Saxon
Biography of Tiffany Saxon
I have used my poetry as a key to open the door to positive relationships with Velocity Productions (film: HIP HOP 4 LIFE*produced by: T-Saxx Entertainment) , American Cancer Society, Easter Seals, American Heart Association, The World Trade Center Memorial Foundation, Hilltop Records, Library of Poetry, Famous Poets Society and Voices.net. Poetry has presented me with numerous awards, certificates, trophies and letters of praise, including an inspiring letter from former president William Clinton. ..
became nominated for the STRATHMORE'S WHO'S WHO REGISTERY FOR 2009-2010.
cancer Branson Shao | Mar 11th, 2007
Those pain ruining the heroes’ life. have you ever diagnosed with it? My god hope you not I, d rather wish tell thee a story, excellent poem.
cancer Bemoute serge Mario | Mar 19th, 2007
A masterpiece which can be used to soothe the pain of those affected by the illness.
olawale | Mar 23rd, 2007
beautiful and sad and beautiful, when hope is not lost!
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